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Live From The Asteroid Fortress 13

We're back with yet another episode to celebrate the fact the world didn't end, and that this time of the year is extremely slow as far as news in concerned. We talk about T.Rex purchasing, Nate's new nickname, and more.
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Live From The Asteroid Fortress

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    Do you think you guys could be a bit more hightech and encode at say 96 Kbps (at least for the d/l version)I can dig the tunes at the lowtech bit rate...
  • Can you imagine if some crazy named their child Texaco or Amaco or my personal favorite, Namco. Everyday at school someone could come up to your child and be like "Hey texa-HO".

    It'd suck.

    I think the Child that was named Standard Oil would actually be best off.

    -[ World domination - rains.net ]-
  • As well (or instead) of having several bitrates, you could make a stereo version with each person offset to the left of right by a different amount in post. This would make it (I think) easier to identify ppl. Certainly if I'm paying attention I can tell who's who, but if I'm not I lose track of who's talking. Also, (IIRC) MP3 encodes stereo as the difference between the channels, so it shouldn't add too much to the bitrate.

    Come on, surely you can find something interesting to talk about from the last two weeks. What about saying how crap the AOL/Time Warner thing is, or lampoon Bill Gates saying "Nobody is making any money out of software at the moment."

  • I'm now nearly finished listening to this interview of Bill Gates. Certainly interesting to listen to though I don't have anything to say about what was said.

    The question I do have is: Where did it come from? Some of the show sounds really funky like someone was recording it from the radio with a microphone. Or did someone find an old tape down in their basement? I dunno. But I'd be interested to know where it came from if anyone knows.
  • Hey, the best name for a kid named after oil is a little girl called Valvoline !


  • What, so the ~20-minute program would be a 12-15 MB download, instead of the current 3-4 MB? I guess it would be nice to have multiple bitrates to choose from, for those who have the bandwidth and want the extra quality, but that would be an unwelcome change, to put it gently, for those of us on slow modems. You wouldn't want to listen to real music this way, but 24 Kbps is fine for voice-quality stuff.

    David Gould
  • mp3 is both capable of joint stereo and seperate stereo.

    Have a look at http://home.swipnet.se/grd/mp3info/frmheader/index .html for more info (yes, there are better guides, but this one is in my bookmarks).

    /me is to lazy to type a href tags. sorry
  • I believe that the VP and First Lady have their own designation too (the Vp Would be Two, or something) For all intents and purposes, the president generally always flies on the same plane so, that one almost is airforce one.
  • I don't recall ever, atleast in recent times, where the POTUS has ever been on a commercial jet, so I'm not sure what the designation would be.

    Right, I don't think so either. In the documentary they said that the convention came up when the president's plane and another plane were trying to land at the same airport, and the other plane had the same ID as the president's. So, at that time, they just came up with the commercial designation along with all the others...I'm thinking it's Biz One, or Com One, or something like that...


  • I would like you to promote 'The Sync Chat' a little more, so that people could perhaps stop in, and have a talk.
    The server is on on port 7000, and the primary channels are #syncgeneral and #geeksinspace.
    Feel free to drop by.

    Please ignore all below.

  • I don't know if anyone else has noticed this but in Internet Explorer if you type "about:mozilla" as the URL you get a blue screen in your browser. There is a registry entry that refers the browser to 'res://mshtml.dll/about.moz'. If you type any other "about:" it does nothing except display the word you typed (with the exception of "blank" or "PostNotCached" or other various commands). Is this part of some dark conspiracy by Microsoft?
  • by Zaffle ( 13798 ) on Thursday January 20, 2000 @12:20AM (#1357016) Homepage Journal
    I was watching some documentary on Air Force One (can't remember the channel, but it was probably Discovery), and the way it goes is this: whatever (air?) craft the prez is on, becomes One. So, if he were on an Army craft, it'd be called "Army One"...and so on. I think there was even a special designation if it's a commercial plane, but I can't remember what it is. Just FYI.

    Yes, this is the case, thats why the Marine helicopter he uses to go from the Whitehouse to the plane is called Marine One when he's on board.

    The plane commonly refered to as Air Force One is only called that when POTUS (President Of The United States) is onboard. Otherwise I think its known as VC1, but I'm not sure on that one, I'd have to check.

    I don't recall ever, atleast in recent times, where the POTUS has ever been on a commercial jet, so I'm not sure what the designation would be.

  • by monaco ( 37517 ) on Wednesday January 19, 2000 @12:15PM (#1357017)
    I was watching some documentary on Air Force One (can't remember the channel, but it was probably Discovery), and the way it goes is this: whatever (air?) craft the prez is on, becomes One. So, if he were on an Army craft, it'd be called "Army One"...and so on. I think there was even a special designation if it's a commercial plane, but I can't remember what it is. Just FYI.


Let's organize this thing and take all the fun out of it.
