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Live From Rob's Basement

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  • I've been on slashdot since late '97/98 ( I was in college at the time so I know those dates are right ) I proudly wear a ( realitvly ) low user number ( 5548 ). And yes, while slashdot doesn't SUCK, it has changed. I'm not saying that this is a bad thing, but it is something alot of people have trouble dealing with. And sometimes I too get annoyed by the lack of technical discussion, back in the day there was ( or seemed to be ) alot more computing talk. Ah well, the only constant thing in life is change...
  • Careful with those killall coments, the Pinkertons will come get you after you've been snitched on by the AC's :-)

    Slashdot doesn't suck. The new users do. That's all. I used to browse at -1 because it was funny. Now I usually do at +3. That way you even avoid most Karma Whores.

    But again, that's a problem with users. (sigh)
  • A few years ago my cat would keep chewing my cables under my desk. I'd keep kicking him out from under there, but every now and then I'd be distracted long enough for him to slip under there before I noticed and kicked him out again. One time I was right in the middle of Ultima VII when he managed to slip under the desk. A few seconds later the computer abruptly resets to a "phthhhhhhhtt-clack" sound as my cat makes contact with the creamy copper center and literally gets knocked back against the desk and dashes out of the room. There's a strong odor of ozone mixed with a bit of burnt cat. He's never chewed on a cord again.
  • by Yakman ( 22964 )

    Hehe.. I'm going to have to make myself a cup of coffee before I start listening to this one.


  • Hey, that's no fair, I've got all the 24 (now 25) episodes on my napster list too! I've also got those special features that come out once in a while!!!
  • hey,
    fyi... my family is post production... at least for now.

    yes, this was a useless post with no meaning...
    just posting in the usual spirit of ths how :)
  • I've been a slashdot user for over year... before the andover buy and before the rest of the media and world started to even know what slashdot was.

    I would encourage you to check out the signup dates of the users that say slashdot sucks. In most cases I think you will find that they are relitivly new.

    I think Slashdot just has allot more users these days and some of the users just never realized what slashdot was in the first place.... what I mean is, they just have no idea that slashdot is all about your (jeff, cmdr, nate, neal, etc)opinions.
  • I've thought of doing this with something more pain-full. Say...the Smurfs theme.
  • Yea! Yea! pretty soon we'll be able to have a "The Music of Geeks in Space". Complete with "My Laptop is Booting" "Dr. Zeus" and many more timeless classics!
  • For those CmdrTaco's of the world who don't know where UW is, it's in Madison, Wisconsin.

    Hehe... Napster bandwidth > http.


  • Geeeeeezzzzzz, Hemos, pay attention old chap! :-) The UK is a member of the EU and has been for 27 years [eu.int]. We're not (yet) a member of the common European currency which I suppose might be where the confusion arises. The comments about our legal system got me a bit pissed off as well but that's OT so I'll just leave it there.
  • They said (on the last episode I think) that they'd be doing it by phone or some other real-time means so it'll probably be similar to how it is now.
  • I came here to say that, but ComradePenguin already had... :)

    All well....

    /me wants to be sued by Andover.net :)

  • OK. This is killing me: what the f**k was the intro/farewell ('funky baseball') tune?

    I see good opportunities to annoy people.

  • That is if Bell Atlantic does not screw up Jeff's phone line when he moves in.

    I live in the same town as he is moving into and Bell Atlantic has a 95% fsck-up rate on new install orders. I was without a phone for three weeks while I got circle jerked by BA. Eventually MediaOne saved they day and gave me a free month of phone service.

    If design is not Bauhaus, it is Baroque.
  • I head that Hemos was moving to the Boston area. I wonder how they are going to do future GIS broadcasts. It'll be kinda odd having Hemos tape his parts in from Boston and mixed in with the rest of the crew in Holland, MI.

    If design is not Bauhaus, it is Baroque.
  • hmmm, I was disappointed that there was no discussion of the geek pride festival in boston. I guess it fell between shows. (It hadn't happened yet for GIS 24 and it wasn't relevent for GIS 25).

    andy j.
  • I, too, have my geeks in space mp3's on napster

    I have an idea though - if the guys want to sue napster, they could claim that, even though the mp3's are available for free download, napster is depriving thesync of the opportunity to have the millions of geeks listners click on their ad banners, and is killing their income... Hmmm...

    I have actually searched for geeks in space, and found one d00d had it up on napster...

    insert clever line here
  • I was thinking that poor Kurt@thepope.org might need some utilities for counting the number of emails recieved. Maybe even some for graphing them. Maybe we could do this for him next time.
  • Ummm...in a previous GiS, didn't Rob say that he and some of the gang were setting up webcams, but weren't going to tell anyone about it? if so, I think I _may_ have found it.

    http://scuttle.blockstackers.com/cam.html [blockstackers.com]

    I basicly just did a whois on cmdrtaco on slashnet for fun, and saw an ip of scuttle.blockstackers.com and thought "what the hell..." and followed the link to the cam. Could anyone confirm to me that this is the webcam that the mentioned or did not mention? I might just be crazy and hearing things.

  • all good points, I'd like to add on that to the fact that everyone here just tries to post things that they thing will get them better karma, because lets face it, we all feel better when we see we have a karma of 14 or 15 or so, here's an example of one I was planning to put in before I read yours: How dare they say we're never on topic, I don't under...slashdot sucks! see what I mean?
  • Hey! I can't smell anything either! I thought I was alone in the world*sniff*.
  • I liked this show, it was good I laughed out loud a couple of times. Anyway, I have done the homework...well sorta I didn't really have any gin drink mixtures, so I sent kurt@thepope.org a whole bundle of famous food recipes including the original KFC mixture. Oh I have just thought of the perfect name for everyquest moaroanicon demaster (aka moron dm) I just sorta have one question how can I greenlante3rn get on geeks in space? does it involve payoffs to your account in the belly of a whale? Ok last thing, YTV has decided to not only continue showing DBZ but they are also bringing in Gundam wing and getting rid of digi-mon Is that not the sweetest. Anyway please get even mroe episodes off
  • Yes,it is true,I have all 25 eppisodes(including this one!)on Napster,just do a search for Geeks in Space!Your all welcome.Feel free to complete your collection today!
  • Oh great,now I'll never get a SlashSite running for my school club.

    As Rob said,It really is unfare to cable users that they can't run a small website on their computers.Servers on cable modems would be great.The bandwidth cap he mentioned was good too,that way no one person sucks up the whole area's bandwidth running their site.Basicly,what they would do is monitor bandwidth usage(do they do that already?) and if they notice that one IP is using way more bandwidth than they are aloited for hosting,they get pulled for 30-60 min. and are told by the company that the user was sucking up too much bandwidth.

    We should consider starting a email campaign to get companies like @Home to reconsider this issue.
  • I normally remove my cat from the computer room when I'm not there, because she loves the top of my monitor. Once, I forgot and she ensconced herself on top and then vomited a nice big hairball into it. Bye bye $600. Luckily the monitor was in power-save mode, so she didn't become feline fricassee.
  • A friend of mine who's into BDSM was all cranky because when she tried to search for kink gear in eBay, she kept finding Everquest weapons for sale instead. Guess she's celebrating this week...
  • When did Slashdot go bad?

    I used to visit Slashdot on and off over about the past year until about October when I actually signed up for an account that I'd remember. There are stories I think they should post that they haven't (of course I'm referring to my own :-)), and trolls are annoying but I can ignore the trolls. The only thing I've noticed change on Slashdot for the worst are some of the posts by some readers.

    One thing I've noticed about the posts is that so many are now lacking in any logical argument. an example would be this post [slashdot.org]. The post labels Japanese government as "a nasty, repressive, corrupt and unethically pro-corporate government." There's no actual evidence posted regarding that particular generalization (generalizations being illogical to begin with)other than his/her personal claim that "illegal to sell used video tapes and video games.

    I'm not suggesting that everyone pull out their note cards and write up their posts on there, then take them to their nearest English or debate expert before posting. However, I do remember that most posts in the past actually were fairly logical, and if not, you could post a question below and have a polite discussion regarding the issue. There seems to be an extreme zealot attitude about many posts are not conducive to any discussion anymore. I'm not referring to a zealot attitude regarding any particular subject like Linux or Open Source. This seems to cover all positions on all subjects. I often am tempted to run around and post a reply referencing something like this [princeton.edu]. However, I'm not sure that it would actually help any, and might be trolling.

    In the end I think Slashdot has not gone bad. It is still one of the best sites I've found that makes me think. While I do not like the changes in some of the posting that I think I've seen, I do what I can by moderating and meta-moderating fairly when I can, and move on. In the future maybe "Oh yeah? Well they suck anyway!" will be a legitimate argument,and those out there who post that way are just on the cutting edge. :-) It seems to work in politics sometimes anyway.
  • The real problem here on /. is not selling out to anyone,or Jon Katz,or who gets posts up,the real problem here are people who don't care about the things that are discussed here:They don't care about Linux or Free software,the don't care about science,sci-fi,world issues,they don't give credit where it is due to everybody who makes Slashdot intresting.These aren't nessearily all new users,because some of us(I am one of them...started reading about 7 months ago) really do care about the topics on /. and post intresting and/or funny comments.

    What people need to realize is that while Slashdot is essentialy a democracy(anybody can voice their aggenda or belifes here),but what some people don't realize is that:

    *You don't need to read articles you don't want to read
    *You shouldn't post something if it contributes nothing to the disscussions or creates a new disscussion.If your gonna flame the author,then email them.Most of us don't care to see your latest reason to blow Jon Katz to pieces.

    So help us fight the decay of Slashdot.Ignore ALL script kiddies,31337 h4x0rs,trolls.Deny them attention and they will just wither in the darkness.

    Sorry about the rant everyone.I hope someone,somewhere,got something out of my rambling.Till I post again,
    Comrade Penguin
  • by Duxup ( 72775 ) on Tuesday April 18, 2000 @10:52PM (#1125166) Homepage
    I request a full version of "My Laptop is Booting" by Hemos be on the next GIS please (I think it was Hemos), he actually sang pretty well.

"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
