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Without Rob 15

With Rob out of town, we still managed to carry off a brand spankin' new episode where we talk about domain squatting, our gaming addictions, software patents, and more.
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Without Rob

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  • Man, that music that plays during the first 3 minutes after the intro /really rocks/! Whoever engineered that is the true ruler of the universe!
    What was used to create that anyhow? I want an MP3!
  • Nate is funny as hell and we should hear more of him!!! Nate: Can you do that and still mix???
  • three minutes of that repetitive noise!!!
    I mean, I can understand 20 seconds or so of it during the intros.. but minutes !?

    ARG! Kill!!! :)
  • *groans* Your Australian accents were sooo lame!

    Nate sounded like Ringo Starr narrating Thomas the Tank Engine...


  • I am one of them.. I have got every episode (all 90mb of them) so I can listen to tem whnever I want. I can even make a nice long playlist out of them and listen to GiS all day long.. Well, maybe not ALL day :-P

  • I must agree. Some of the opening noises(music?) wouldn't be so annoying if they weren't played for so long. It kind of reminds me of Conan O'Brian's opening schpeal, it would be good if he didn't stand up there so long (he needs Andy to help him out. Too bad Andy will be leaving. :( ).

    Other than that, I'm really enjoying the shows. Thanks!

    Welcome to Slashdot. Please do not feed the trolls.
  • I must be the third, but I'm realatively new to GiS. I've been reading /. since about this time last year, but I just got into GiS last week. Downladed em all and listened to them over the course of two days. I'm recovering now, but I'm glad I finally started to listen. It makes it much easier to pretend I'm working if I listen to /. rather than read it (of course, I usually just end up doing both now...)

  • I suggest that you go ahead and interview Al Gore. Of course, he won't respond, so you'll have to do a parody interview. It could start out being reasonably plausible, then get gradually more wacko, like his stories about campaign finance scandals and his list of claimed accomplishments.
  • Man Love the new episode, keep up the good work. Just one little complant I was already to finnaly spam if you told me and I didn't hear you mention it anywhere. I must be told to spam him, tell me!!!
  • please email me with the response if possible Will the newsletter for geeks in space email me everytime there is a new show avaliable to listen to?
    Damien Boersma
  • Congrats on the RMS impression (with the exception that I did spill what i was drinking when i was laughing). That's just about the exact voice and atttitude i've always heard in my heand the times i've read something by him!
  • I'm one, I have them all on a CD-RW, named Slashdot_Radio_-_Eppisode_xxxx.y.mp3 you see I can have 9999 eppisodes before I need to redo the naming :-) The .y is for their patches to eppisodes (3.1)

    I'm not obsesive though :0)

    Aaron "PooF" Matthews
    To mail me remove "fish."
    ICQ: 11391152
    Quote: "Success is the greatest revenge"

The question of whether computers can think is just like the question of whether submarines can swim. -- Edsger W. Dijkstra
