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Nuke The Moon 68

We're back after the server move with a brand-new episode. This week we talk about the Cold War plot to nuke the moon, DVD recorders, the new Motif release and its license, as well as plenty of conspiracy theories.
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Nuke The Moon

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  • Ab Lincoln?Is that his brother with the washboard stomach?Just like to point that out.

    Nope,never heard of it.Then again,I don't write conspiracy theories very often,partly because I'm too busy writing,editing,and publishing The Red Star(A fake newspaper.I'd like you to come up with a conspiracy revolving around the name.I dare you.)to write CTs,but mostly because There Is No Conspiracy(tm) [bored.org].

    Just my US$0.02

    Etot "sig" byit pisyat v Russki!
    (35.0% Slashdot nezdorovi.)
  • "There is no dark side of the moon as a matter of fact its all dark." The moon always faces us with the same side. its orbit is equal to is rotation. So the Dark side of the moon can be the side that faces the earth.(i.e. new moon) while the far side is in "full moon" mode. I have no idea why this matters to me other than i work to many hours this week (planetarium lackey that i am)
  • Hey, I'm not asking for serious commentary, just commentary, rather than random ramblings.
  • Why does The Sync still say:

    "Geeks in Space" is a weekly audio show hosted by Rob "Commander Taco" Malda, Jeff "Hemos" Bates, Nate "Mix Master" Oostendorp and "CowboyNeal" Pater of Slashdot about "News for Nerds, Stuff that Matters". Drawing from the stories and discussions on the Slashdot site, the dynamic hosts discuss Linux, open-source, and cool technology.

    It's been 11 days guys.
  • CT and Co, you're getting ever closer to the magic episode number 31!

    What will you do when you get there?
    "You take a distribution! Rename! Stamp CD's! IPO!"
    - CmdrTaco, Geeks in Space, Episode 2 from 6:18 to 6:23.

  • Everyone open up your favorite mp3 player and read this weeks iD3 tag. Genre: CULT ! This is indeed the sign of the coming of Satan. But we will not succumb to the evil that is COtGiS. No! We Will fight. My fellow Linuxians we must ban together and fight this evil radio broadcast. We must all clear our minds of this unspeakable evil and DDOS SLASHDOT, THE SYNC and anything that links to it or mentions it! YES! I call you all to do this as sign that COtGiS or anything like it will be not tolerated, and must be destroyed! If you have heard the voice of Satan through the GiS you must report to one of the many sterilization camps in your town or city. And it is also your duty to yell very loundly and make funny faces at anyone you suspect has listened to the COtGiS so that they will be forced into hiding, crippling the spread of COtGiS. This is only this first step in riding ourselves of the evil that is COtGiS. After this is done we must NUKE THE MOON. This is where our governments believed COtGiS is hiding before they were turned into a pack of fat cows with the bodies of humans. COtGiS' current broadcast "NUKE THE MOON" confirms it. Satan is taunting us. Daring us to try it. But this time we will! We are calling on all you 3ll3t h4X0rz to h4X0r in to any known nuclear silo and launch all available nukes at the dark side of the moon. We believe that the leaders of COtGiS are extremely sensitive to light (hence the delay in their invasion of earth) so even if the nukes do not hit their secret moon base they will die of exposure to light. With this done we must then execute their evil minions already on earth. We once again call on our 3ll3t h4X0rz to h4x0r into Micro$oft computers everywhere and destroy all data. Once this is done we must train any animal within 1mile to hunt COtGiS members and drag them to a nearby sterilization camp. Once all traces of COtGiS are destroyed we can then get back to downloading pr0n and h4X0riNg each other. If you do not comply to the above you will be yelled and made funny faces at, then hunted by wild animals and forced to watch Barney until your higher level brain function melt into putty. All participants will be rewarded with info to a secret project code named "alladvantage" in which you can make money for doing nothing. really. Now go destroy some C0tGiS! uhh, sorry guys. my pet monkey some how cracked my password and typed all of the above. maybe i should stop using 123 as a password. cyberia200o.
  • >Also, it should just grow up - we're interested in discussions about /.-related stories and
    >follow ups, we're not interested in 4 minutes of rambling before the actual discussions begin.

    I LIKE the silly "Wayne's World" format.
    If I wanted straight, dry tech news I'd go to
    C|Net or something. I listen to GiS because it's
    fun, not because I'm too lazy to READ the news.


  • OK, now changed to "nearly-weekly"
  • Doh, I was hoping for another episode.
  • Check it now everybody. on the sync episode 29!!! I guess this is the negative first post!!!
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Heya! I'd do the longer episode and maybe one or two shorter ones.. I pop GIS onto the rio whenever I have to communte anywhere in the car, and it's cool to get slashdot to-go. It's strangely interesting. It's better than listening to Jerry, anyhow..

    But, keep up the good work!

  • As far as I can tell, GIS has already reached Meta Conspiracy status. Since they have discussed the hidden agenda behind the hidden agenda that was flagged by Mr. A. Coward last week, it can no longer remain a hidden agenda. The agenda, as it were, appears to be focused around Hemos's pants (inside or out), a disturbing collection of consumer products (the products themselves aren't disturbing, but the combination, a la Gold Bond/Cambells Soup, is), and anime (which I broke my addiction for because it was too expensive a hobby).

    All this points to an edible slurry one would use inside one's pants to aid in the battle against giant dojo-crushing robots and/or viagra-tentacled hellspawn. A fine world this would be if the bespectacled visage of Hemos could be seen on billboards hawking Goldbells Medicated Crotch Slurry. But without the slippery demon appendages, we will have nothing but icky toads and world hunger to frighten the skirted and bussomy schoolgirls.

    I, for one, will continue to listen to Geeks in Space no matter how long and boring the hemospants/product placement/anime discussions get. I will continue to do my Kurt homework. I would suggest, however, that you stop approaching it as a weekly news and information show and perhaps pitch it like a barker selling tickets to the freak show it so often becomes.

    Peace. Sway

  • Lee-nus and Lih-nus are bother better than LIE-nus..

    I personally say lih-nus, unless stressing the "accent" it has :-)

  • Hey, I'm not the only one in on this then..

    See, they called it episode 3-A, but then they went and named it episode 31........ The problem is that now GiS has almost exhausted the 2^5-2 namespace.

    The solution? Mail "episode31.mp3" to kurt@thepope.org [mailto], and he will happily rename the file and return it to you.

    With his help, as the unrecognised head of catholocism in Michigan, we might all be spared the problems of a small name space..
  • I got my Gundam Wing DVD 1 yesterday, and it's much better in Japanese. But then again, just about everything is. I haven't heard anything lately that didn't suck dubbed except Cowboy Bebop, which has a REALLY GOOD dub.
  • Anime does *generally* sound better in Japanese, but in Wing's case even decent Japanese seiyuu won't be able to save this heaving pile of excrement.

    Bepop's dub is unsurprisingly good, especially considering that Watanabe-san overseas all translations (eg - Macross Plus).

  • It is simple:

    Gundam Wing is an unoriginal anime milking the Gundam franchise for all it is worth. The mecha designs are farcical (even the designers said so), the plot is hacked from the far superior Zeta Gundam (it has a plot!) and to top it all off they tried patronising women at the same time (come off it how many chicks are gonna wanna watch a mecha show regardless of how pretty the boys are?).

    - now suffering from excessive tedium...
  • Since you guys brought it up, as I look at my local canadian future shop; and a 50 pack of recordable cd's cost about 40 bucks candian.

    So, what is that in American $32, either way that doesn't seem too bad, and about Gundam Wing being crap, look I don't care if its crap if it gets digimon off that air that is the sacrifice I am willing to take

  • Think for a sec... what if they HAD nuked the dark side of the moon? What kind of album would Pink Floyd have come up with if it was nuked? "The Yellowish Radioactive Side of the Moon" Think about it.
  • ...so it should make fewer references to obscure US "personalities" and less whinging about things taking too much time to arrive from Japan.

    Also, it should just grow up - we're interested in discussions about /.-related stories and follow ups, we're not interested in 4 minutes of rambling before the actual discussions begin.

    Otherwise a very enjoyable show...

  • now i have to go to the store to buy some:
    Debian Linux
    Rob Malda Soap
    Lego Mindstorms
    Debian Linux
    Dragon Ball Z videos
    Debian Linux
    Gold Bond
    Debian Linux
    Campbell's Tomato Soup
    Linux Mandrake
    Bud Light
    Mickey's Big Mouth

    I smell a conspiracy.
  • The longer the better, but it would be nice if it was broken into bits because it's impossible to listen for more than a few minutes before being interrupted.
  • I am sure evetyone who has been paying attention to GIS has noticed that the episodes are getting longer.

    I would personally rather see two 15 minute episodes a week instead of one 30 minute episode.

    Just my opinion, keep up the good work.

  • why nuke the moon, it will only be visible for a few min at most, ingrave you name on it like in the tick
  • I LIKE 'em longer. See, I grew up listening to stories on the radio--The Goon Show, anything from ZBS Radio [zbs.org], even books on tape. 15 minute episodes from the GIS crew would seem...unfulfilling. It takes any group of performers (and believe me, that's what you guys are, whether you like it or not) some on-air time to loosen up and start having fun with what they're doing, especially amateurs. 15 minutes wouldn't be enough time for the guys to get in the radio groove. Insert cheezy porn-film music here. Just my two cents.
  • I just did the Rio thing too - loaded the file onto my Rio and went out to lunch. Modern technology rocks. (This may seem trivial when compared to an FM radio, but I'm in Australia so obtaining an audio show from the other side of the world and listening to it, with the ability to stop, rewind and fast forward, while wandering around the city during lunchtime on the same day it's released is less trivial and more miracle.)
  • by Kris_J ( 10111 )
    I thought of The Tick too when listening to GiS (but not when the story was first posted)


  • It's about time guys! Do you have any idea how boring GIS gets after you listen to the same episode a dozen times? I can only email Kurt so much ASCII porn. j/k I love GIS, i load it on my Rio and it makes my commute fly. Record more! Some of use are sickos and can't live very long between /.ing at home and /.ing at school, listening to geeky banter gives us reason to live. Keep up the great work!
  • Hey, have you guys thought about burning perminant copies of Geeks in Space and selling 'em? Or hell, you're all for open-sourcing--give 'em away. I'd love a copy personally, and that desire started as soon as I realized all the episodes will no longer fit on a single Zip Disk. I'm going to end up spending way too much money on removable media if some other format isn't introduced. 25 episodes to a disk, that's worth a small hunk 'o change to me.
  • What the hell? Gundam Wing doesn't suck! Sure it's giant robots fighting each other, but it's still cool.

    Sure it's odd, to the point of stupidity, that every one is fighting to show how futile fighting is, but for some reason I liked it.

    And you should too!

    So sayeth me.
  • Does MP3.com do .mp3-only CDs, or do they only do audio/.mp3 hybrids? If MP3.com do do .mp3-only CDs, then GiS only needs to setup an artist and assign tracks and anyone that wants to buy the CDs can - MP3.com will handle it all...
  • URLs?
  • I'd go with the 'Whiter-Teeth Grown Here Side of the Moon' :)
  • Yes it is pretty much impossible to join in the middle. That's why when I told a friend about it, to wait until the series recycled. Even if you miss certain episodes, you're lost for a little while.

    Hell, I've watched about 97% of the series starting at episode 1, and I STILL have no idea who the Magnanok Corps is. They just kind of follow Quatra around and blow stuff up for no real reason. (Having a private army must be nice though.)

    Oh and they move the Gundams away because they don't want them captured. (Even though one shot by a beam cannon tends to destroy an entire division.)
  • NO! A whole hour! And I still want Kurt to show up.
  • I thought the Slashdot agenda was to raise vampire children to invest in Microsoft (one share at a time) so that the Slashdot crew (though dead) rule the world.
  • I have to say I agree that Gundam Wing isn't real "Gundam" and more of a cash cow, but if you take it on it's own as a shojo-type anime, it is actually pretty good.

    It actually is a pretty good tradgedy.. take Heero Yui for example. Here is a kid who has been trained to be a berserker dragoon from day 1. He may even intellectually KNOW that fighting is wrong, but it's the only thing he knows how to do and so he does it. The whole story about him claiming a will to live is pretty good.

    Gundam Wing dosen't have the flavor of most other Gundam shows. That's too bad.. I have seen lots of almost every gundam series and liked them all.

    Take Gundam wing and subtract the gundam part (gundanium alloy!!!) and you actually have a good show.
    - Paradox
    Man of the C!!!
  • Does anyone actually know what the 7 deadly sins are on thepope.org ?

  • You must be right, over the last few days I've taken to sleeping upside down and avoiding sunlight whenever possible. Every few hours I also get the sudden urge to log on to Etrade and buy more MSFT....
  • i thought the scud stuf was arthur kent, not wolf blitzer.
  • someone's trying to get more moderator points...
  • Another clue: Geeks in Space wouldn't be half as enjoyable if it was as bone dry as you seem to want it.

    Honestly I listen to the show because it's fun. Take some interesting information, some people joking around, add some 'product placement' (conspiracy here ;) and you've got Geeks in Space.

    I wouldn't want to listen to it if it weren't for the whining and 4 minutes of rambling because then it would be plain boring. As for the obscure US personalities, I have to agree. Being from Europe I don't know most of them either.

    Disclaimer: The above was written by Lev_Arris and should therefore not be taken too serious. In addition everything contained herein is strictly IMHO and produced without harming any animals ;)

  • First of all - I'm a non-american and I get most of the references - the US of A is a huge media whore / bully so in Brazil we manage to stay up to date with american culture.

    Hey GiS is REALLY fun, if I want facts or serious commentary I read some traditional newspaper. BTW, Slashdot and GiS are one of my favorite passtimes, they're fun, contain a few neat-o facts and they talk about Jennifer Aniston's nipples.
  • Nanananinano! The funnier episodes are all long - that way CowboyNeal, Hemos, CmdrTaco and co. ramble on longer. I listen to the show early morning, just after my morning dose of Caffine + Deathmatch. I usually laugh so loud that my work buddies come over and ask if everything's alright.
  • But it's IMPOSSIBLE to get in on the middle of. Like, in the middle of the series. I keep trying to watch it, but I have NO IDEA what's going on.

    I LIKE giant robots fighting each other, but they don't do it very often on Gundam Wing. There's way too much politics and not enough fighting. Most of the time you see Gundams, they're moving the Gundam AWAY from the battle (to keep them safe? I thought the Gundams were nigh-indestructible... hmm)

    I even went to a Gundam website trying to get a handle on what the heck was going on, but I still don't understand. I'll go watch Bubblegum Crisis. At least I understand that...

  • With only one GIS episode a week, I need more to help me get though the week. HELP ME!
  • Is anyone keeping GiS archives? It looks like The Sync isn't, and I missed about 3 weeks worth.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    It's pronounced Mac OS 10 not Mac OS X.

    What's really funny is that people have started to call the first release Mac OS X 1.0

  • Never mind. Found the big, giant link that says "PAST SHOWS". Doh!
  • I haven't yet experienced the... well.. experiences of Gundam wing, but the way it is being described here it sounds suspiciously like Transformers, is this so? If not can anyone give me a better description please...
  • Ok, as an appendix to this guys message.

    I tried to listen to these Wonk Slice guys, about ten minetes in I got the very intense wish to track down these f-ers and beat them so much that they would never ever think of putting their mouths in front of a microphone.

    It's just what I thought, have a nice day =)

  • You are not far off (I aint a trolling flamer as it is). Transformers was actually nicked from Shoji Kawamori's eponymous "Chojiku Yosai Macross" series (1982).

    Gundam's main sponsor, Bandai, ironically made "Zeta Gundam" (1987) a vehicle for transforming Mobile Suits (MS). That being said the transforming sequences were rather weak compared to the deified Macross.

    So it is hardly surprising that Wing tries to use the gimmick...

    As far as the story goes, Transformers is rather cheesy compared to Wing. But in the grand-scheme-of-things (TM) Wing is even weaker.

  • That's Yanks (TM), the Japanese were a tad unimpressed with Bandai's unimpressive cunning.

    I am just anooyed by how mindless Western audiences are, then again I suppose they hardly know any better

    As for *stuff*, shoujo is an overall pervading genre. Bishounen is just a sub-genre within shoujo.

    Wing (and anything ephemeral) maybe shounen, but classing "mecha" as a genre is truly a blinkered attitude if ever there was one.

  • Dont forget Lain. They've been going on about Lain for weeks now. Every GIS has to have one comment about Lain. Well.. I cant blame em. It is a really great show. I reccomend it to all. AHHHH! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!
  • Have to agree. If Wing was not associated with Gundam I wouldn't have *that* much of a problem with it.

    But then again it would still be very cliched, that being said it still is ^_^

    What a shame...

  • Subliminal ads
    are only for stupid dopes
    got to go buy SOAP!

    I was bored before
    I listen to radio
    Thank you geeks in space!

    Slashdot thankless job
    but people like audio
    stop hate-mail to rob!

    I love the show, guys! It's the highlight of my week! (or month) make more shows I love walking around and listening to them. make more shows I've even been playing them backwards, and giving bootleg copies to my friends! more shows Did you know that CowboyNeal makes sense when played in reverse? swohs erom ekam

    Keep up the good work!
    [I'm going out for some shopping...]



  • Is the Sun a luminous body of light? yes, so how can it reflect light. see the problem? Setting off a nuclear weapon on the dark side of the moon will do nothing(espically not by reflecting off the sun). I can see the true reasons here, the building of a massive pool of disinformation designed to cause questions to only be asked about the past, blinding us to the current abuses of the government.
  • I find everything silly

    if ($name eq "Mike"); {
    print "laters, Mike";
  • Then that's your problem. Get some cordless headphones so you can wander around and listen at the same time! that's what i do, and people always look at me all weird when i laugh out loud.
  • Wing is *not* proper Gundam!

    Here is why:

    1: Yoshiyuki Tomino had nothing to do with its creation - considering he wrote the saga in the first place this is an obvious BAD sign that Bandai are treating it like a damn cash cow.

    2: Wing is set in an "Alternate Universe", this basically means that it is just using the name for marketing reasons and the story will have been cloned from a previous (proper) Gundam show (in this case it is Zeta, just in case anyone cares).

    3: Most important of all, it is a distinctly shoujo anime (it was originally aimed at getting girls interested in Gundam - hence the poncy costumes and pretty boys - wait till you see Endless Waltz!). Whilst I have no problems with shoujo anime it is out of character for Gundam, in that Gundam is a drama not a pretty boy fest. Even Mamoru Nagano (of Five Star Stories fame) managed to avoid cliches in fusing mecha and shoujo styling - the Wing guys, OTOH, didn't...

    If any of you find Wing dull and tedious I recommend you try out some of the older stuff (eg - the old Gundam movies, Zeta Gundam etc.) Whilst it maybe not as aesthetically pleasing, they are ultimately more rewarding viewing.


    Yes there is a conspiracy.It involves me,Rob Malda,Bill Gates,Linus Torvalds,Al Gore,the ressurected Vladimere Lenin,ESR,RMS,Rage Against The Machine,JonKatz,and Pikachu!Their insidious plan is to brainwash everyone into a cult of personality so that they can use us to TAKE OVER THE WORLD,where they would become the new Politburo(with Lenin and Linus in charge!) and rule us with despotic tyrany!

    Linus is the instigator of this vast conspiracy,which centers around Linux.You see,he knew that if he created an alternative OS,that thousands will flock to him and build a cult of personality,giving him ultimate power!But he knew he needed help,so he contacted Rob Malda and Bill Gates and asked for their assistance.He forced Bill to continue creating crap software so "The OSS Conspiracy" (run by RMS and ESR)could trounce MS.Malda was called in to spread propaganda for Linus by having Rob develop a seperate cult of personality,a subset of Linus's,that would believe everything posted on Slashdot.As for JonKatz,he was hired as a front,creating someone for DotHeads to despise with a passion,thus reinforcing Rob's personality cult!I told you it was insidious!

    Rage Against the Machine?They are being manipulated by The OSS Conspiracy to incite the people to rebel against corperations.Once big conglomerates like MS and Apple and AOL were destroyed,people would have no choice but to use OSS!And Al Gore?His statement that he "created the Internet" showed how well he could influence American idiots(aka 70%-80% of us)into believeing anything he said....you know where this is going:he would then announce that "open source software is good for you!" and thus bring hundreds of millions of Americans into Linus's cult of personality!Pikachu?He is a tool to get kids hooked on Anime and thus lead them to read Slashdot,bringing them into Rob's(and Linus's) cult of personality!

    You are probably wondering what Lenin(deceassed ex-leader of the now defunct Soviet Union)has to do with this.Well,what the Russians don't want you to know is that they brought the dictator back to life using secret technology stolen from the US and then hacked by Communist scientists(who had rejected the biological sciences that Stalin had forced all Soviet scientists to use).After some reconstructive surgery to undo the dammage done to Lenin's face by 1920's sugeons,and after having his memory restored to the condition he was in 1922,Lenin has been sneaking arround in various governments,inserting his communist doctrines into whatever nations he visits.Now Vlad has been called upon by Benevolent(?) Dictator Torvalds to act as his Comrade-In-Arms and fellow future leader of the world!As for me,I just post articles to back help inspire hatred for JonKatz,thus bosting my karma and assisting Rob(and thus Linus) strengthen their cults of personality.I'm just a hired lackey for TacoBoy,and thus I am not obliged to follow the party line.

    Now here's something that they don't want you to know:Trolls are freedom fighters!All those anti-Malda,anti-Slashdot,hot-grits loving Trolls are really fighting to cripple this vast conspiracy and save the world,so that the United States can spread out,and by manifest destiny,CONQURE THE WORLD!!!So Comrades,join the Resistance and fight for your rights!Become a Troll today!

    Etot "sig" byit pisyat v Russki!
    (35.0% Slashdot nezdorovi.)
  • '...linus can be trusted with this power, malda cannot'? did someone call lee-nus lih-nus?

    shall I direct everyone towards english.au?

  • No Rio for me, minidisc is /the/ way to listen GIS :)! I agree with PanZ, you guys need to record more often and longer shows so I don't get sick of listening to the same episodes over and over again.
  • Yea, Then run it through the "American Accent Filter" and I think you'll find the GiS folk have it right.
  • I think it was a bit more rambleing then usual. The usualy at least make an attempt to stick to the news. This week was just a bunch of guys laughing.

    But hey. We can give them one off episode.
  • Oh come on you call this the ultimate conspiracy Theory. Everybody worth his salt or OS( which-ever value system you use) knows that the ultimate CT is all about why Ab Lincon is the only U.S president that has his coin portrait facing left and how that ties in with Battlefield Earth being allowed to release to the general public.

    That is the ultimate conspiracy theroy; which I am more than happy to give to all the lesser people, if and I mean IF they go to http://thepope.org, and absolve themselves of any sins.

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." -- Albert Einstein
