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Spring Break

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  • Wow. I couldn't believe how many stories the gang actually touched on this week. Personally, I prefer a lot more burping and references to Hemos's pants and fart jokes. And please abuse your power a little more. If you wanna' plug a distro or a specific brand of cotton briefs, go ahead. It's our fault for listening.

    Also, was anyone able to translate the URL that CowboyNeal mentioned for the pictures? I couldn't quite decipher the subdomain. It's so if anyone has better ears, could you post it?

    I e-mail Kurt but I worry that he's filtered my e-mail addy into the dumper. I'm careful not to use the words Geeks, Space, or rash, but I'd hate to see my hard work simply being whisked away into the e-mail ether. Since I don't really spam him I don't want to stoop to spoofing e-mail addys or sending from multiple addresses.

    I'm trading 31337 G.I.S. eps on Napster. So far all I've been able to get in return is Offspring.

    Actually, the only reason I post here is because the traffic is so small that I can probably get first post.

    Peace. Sway

  • Can someone tell me why, once again, this did not show up on Slashdot's front page? Has TheSync asked the Slashdot admins not to publicize their show so TheSync won't get Slashdotted?

    All the other sections' stories (Apache, YRO, etc.) show up on the front page.

  • I couldn't decode the URL Cowboy Neal threw out. Anyone catch it?

  • Typical arcade game. Good laugh for five minutes, but then degenerates into mind numbing boredom.

    Give my "Virtual On Oratorio Tangram" any day!

  • I'm not so sure that all of the other sections' news articles make it to the front page. I remember being surprised on a few occasions when I've slipped into the Ask Slashdot section and have seen some of the topics that I missed.

    You might be right about the Slashdot effect since every hit would probably match up to a stream or big download. But from the number of comments I usually see about the shows, it's not the hugest of audiences.

    Peace. Sway

  • by handorf ( 29768 ) on Tuesday May 30, 2000 @07:14AM (#1037939)
    Origin: Orbiting invasion fleet
    Destination: GiS Commando Team

    Commander Taco, we are pleased thus far with your progress in destroying the mentality of the computing elite on earth, however we are beginning to find flaws in your intelilgence information.
    While we greatly approve of your method of transmission (the use of resonance frequencies of fiber optics created my multiple simultaneous downloads of GiS is particularly impressive) and we also think that your development of the so called "personality cult" will greatly aid us in the coming battles, the quality of the tatical information you have been providing has dropped significantly in the past months.

    To cite an example, several scout ships were destroyed while investigating your claim that the Earth's primary satalite had been destroyed by a multination conglomerate (please provide more information on the Pik-oh-low group). It has been discovered that either the moon has NOT been destroyed or it has been replaced by a very effective replica. The theory that it was merely a holographic projection to give the appearance of a moon has been disproved by the destruction of the scout ships mentioned. We fear that the continued presence of ocean tides will further delay the invasion.

    Please put more effort into checking your reports for inaccuracies. Remember that the future of the invasion depends on accurate information.

    Please send more information regarding the entity known as Roberta Williams.

    Also include more information on the Sayan race. They appear to be a potential threat to the oncoming invasion.

    Please put every effort into your presidential campaign. We feel this will be an excellent move in the further indoctrination of the Earth.

  • Ok, I've listened to 28:32 to 28:40 about fifteen times and I can't understand what cowboy neal is mumbling for the url of the pictures.

    I've got the "" part but the first part I can't understand. At first I thought he said "jesse" that was wrong, then I thought "jessie" that was wrong also, so I listened again and tried "se" then I thought he said "casscity".

    Watch, it'll be something totally simple and I'll look like an idiot. I know I know take my thumb out of my ear and put it back up my ass.
  • We've got the pipes to handle whatever Slashdot can throw at us (and we've done 10 Mbps bursts), but there was some concern by Slashdot readers that GIS is not "news enough" to be on the front page (for every episode, anyway).

    We're really glad to be working with the Slashdot crew, and I break down laughing every time I edit the show!
  • It sounds to me like he's saying "cassidy" or a variation thereupon. Doesn't work for me. (thats I think, or pics/navi, or something. but it doesn't work for me)
  • I listened and was quite sure he said, but my DNS server could find no entry for

    Hey, Slashdot admins! Are you sure the domain for this has been set up correctly? If so, can you please post the correct domain name in this forum?

    In the meantime, (or whatever it is) is probably on the same subnet as, so try other IP addresses in's range. Since the IP address for is, try,,,, etc. I would try, myself, but I'm rather busy and is not responding at the moment.

  • Try this []
  • by Penguin_99 ( 169189 ) on Tuesday May 30, 2000 @10:20AM (#1037945)
    I wrote to CowboyNeal and got the URL for the Slashdot summit pics. For all of those who are interested click here []. Let it be known that CowboyNeal wrote back to me very quickly (within minutes). By the way, it's 'cassady'.
  • Thanks, Penguin_99. I got a little bored, so I started looking at the other stuff [] on the server.

    You've got a cute dog [], CowboyNeal. Is this [] where you record Geeks In Space? No, wait, it can't be; you do that at Rob's house.

    So, CowboyNeal's last name is "Cassady" -- with an 'a'. And his first name is "Neal". So where does "Pater" (which is pronouced like "potter") come from? I looked at his website [], but I couldn't get much insight there. It sounds more like a last or middle name than a nick.

    By the way, am I the only one who's gotten tired of that damn "caffeine sampler" ad from ThinkGeek? "Feed the need"? I think my body has developed either a resistance to or a dependancy on caffeine. Those damn "Enhydra" ads from Lutris are pretty stupid too. What the hell is that animal supposed to be?

  • Could we have more frequent but smaller shows. I'm having difficulty in getting them onto my PDA to listen to when I should be working. I am having to delete appointments and contacts to make enough room.
    Perhaps that is a good idea though. If I don't go to the meetings, I can listen to GIS and do some work.

  • Thanks. So who the hell is Neal L. Cassady?? Look at the "Can you pass the acid test?" picture []. It looks a bit like him on [] (without the glasses). Maybe it's a character from a book (hence the quote) or a name he made up. Ah, who cares. I'll bet the Slashdot admins didn't mean for us to look at that stuff, anyway...

    Anyway, maybe this [] is where they record Geeks In Space. The Geek Compound [] is Rob's house, right? They said they record Geeks In Space in a spare bedroom at Rob's place. (Sometimes they record it in the basement, too, but it can't be too hard to move the essential equipment needed to record the show from one room to another.) Well, the Geek Compound has two storeys and dormer windows on its upper floor, and bedrooms are usually on the upper floor of a two-storey house. The "sound lab []" has a dormer window, too (notice the sloping wall except where the window is). There are just three problems -- the Geek Compound's second-floor windows have a vertical bar in the middle bisecting the window pane, and that should show up as a shadow in the window of the "sound lab" picture; there are no microphones for the geeks to record their voices with (though they might be stowed somewhere); the electronic keyboard there is not a '303.

    Anyway, I think looking at those pictures made me jealous or something. Nice car [], CowboyNeal. That sound equipment looks pretty expensive, too. Didn't CowboyNeal say he was married in this week's show? Rob has a girlfriend... Damn, you lucky bastards have money and love.

    I'd better stop now... I'm sounding like a bitter young man...

  • Could we have more frequent but smaller shows? I'm having difficulty in getting them onto my PDA to listen to when I should be working.

    Decode them, then re-encode them at a lower bitrate.

    Anyway, as you can tell from the last few messages I've posted here, I should get back to work...

  • Thanks for the url, I figured it was something like that, anyway. Ok the luciele.jpg which you guys said was of kurt, and if that is Kurt man does he look like Kevin Smith maybe it might be the pic but damm its uncanny.

    And since he is not good looking I know have no problem with bombardening his e-mail. But not this episode. Because when you guys asked for gin drinks I sent him a big list of trademarked foods, (KFC-Cherry Garcia) and since THIS episode you asked for recipes I figure I am all caught up.

    So thats all Goodbye


    From:GSS Linusgrad,Union of Penguinitic GNUist Republics Interdimensional Naval Corps.
    To:Orbital Outpost "Mir",LEO,Probable Dimension 589431068109.
    Subject:Upcomming Plans...and stop posting to Slashdot you moron!

    Greetings Comrade,
    We appreciate with much gratitude the maps provided for us of Holland,Michigan.We shall use them to plan the instalation of intelligence equipment throughout the town to monitor the activities of all employees of Andover,as they are all possibly connected to the Rob Malda Conspiracy.
    DO NOT,we repeat,DO NOT use your "laser" on the Andover HQ,as these geeks may be able to provide us with a useful foothold in this dimension's Open-Source community.Also,inform our contacts with the Sayans and tell them that we shall not be needing their assistance,and tell that idiot Fajita to shut the fsck up.
    Also,the rumors that the moon had been anhilated by some fellow named "pikohlow" or something are just that...rumors.Our lunar base,despite evil American Corperate interference,is still intact and constructing vessels for our great fleet.
    Continue to monitor the radio sohw "Geeks in Space" to ensure that we continue to recieve information about this world.And watch what your posting on their forum named "Slashdot",you idiot.You might unintentionaly reveal our plans!

    That's all for now Comrade.Carry on.
    Etot "sig" byit pisyat v Russki!
    (35.0% Slashdot nezdorovi.)
  • Just subscribe to the e-mail announcement service and you won't miss the new episodes. Then you just have too wait for the thread to be created at /. (grrr).
  • Just buy a larger CF card, or get a real portable MP3 player (not some PDA kludge)...
  • If you need more reviewers, I'm interested, just e-mail me. Does it matter that I'm in Perth, Western Australia? ;)
  • > get a real portable MP3 player
    What normal person buys one of those anyway? My employer got them. They are trying hard to become a Micro$oft only site.
    When there is a Linux one for 1/3 the price that is (bound to be) more reliable I may think about it, if I can get it to talk to Outlook2000.

    FYI my employer is the British National Health Service. I understand that the only bigger employer is the Chinese army! No lowly IT tecchie is going to have much success changing their mind overnight.

  • I'm a striaght man, and I mean this in a straght man to straight man kinda way. I was looking at your pictures and well, you guys are pretty cute.

    You should have a TV show on, kinda a smarter Waynes World.

    For the longest time I've listend to this show I've wonders what you guys look like. I saw the glad. cartoon with you guys It kinda helped but no labels. I figured out Rob and Jeff, and even little emmett. What does John and Nate like? I say again, I'm not gay. not that theirs anything wrong with that.

    P.S. Bring back Editor Justin, he was the most NEW For nerds one of you. Kill and stuff Jonkatz if you need to loosen a spot. I liked his stuff but he's gotten a little to predictable.

  • by Felinoid ( 16872 ) on Wednesday May 31, 2000 @05:56PM (#1037958) Homepage Journal
    Slashdot is a conspericy to give Rob Malda power over open source and then he'll not use it.. proff Slashdot he has yet to accually use Slashdot to direct open source in any direction instead he flows with the accepted open source people, Linus, ESR, and RMS.

    Once he has total power that he never accually uses it everyone is directed to fear his untrustworthlynes. Becouse Rob Malda can not be trusted.

    Then as the world watches Rob Malda in fear and terror... RMS, ESR, Bruce, Mad Dog and Linus plan the total domination of the world.

    ESR has allready gathered the wepons and is planning the world domination at the moment. RMS has the open source war lords ready for action. Linus is the backup distraction (disinformation when nessisary) Bruce organises the the effort to use the existing corprate world domination machine (put in place by many corprate overlords over from Ugg the closed source caveman [the arch nemisis of Ogg] to Steve Case of AoL) to the cause.

    As we recognise the conspericy Rob Mada takes the brunt of the blame leaving everyone else free to finish the battle plans. Then once it is realised Rob is out of the look Linus takes an attack at that point Linus will be out of the loop and Rob will be stashed away in a secret hidding place.

    Then people will realise Linus is out of the loop and attack RMS. At that point Linus will be stashed away at a secret hidding place and RMS will be out of the loop.

    Then people will realise RMS is out of the loop and go frenzy on whomever is left to find they are all out of the loop leaving instead a secret agent yet to be named in charg. At that time RMS will be swepped away to a secret hidding place.

    Then people will realise a secret overlord is in power the rest of the known open source overlords are sweepped away to a secret hidding place.

    The secret overlord will finish his conquest only to have his identity discovered. However by this time he will not be in power. Instead the long forgotten Rob "CmdrTaco" Malda will be in charg from a secret hidden base.
    As the angry mob attacks the secret overlord they will find he has allready been sweeped away to a secret hidding place and is in safe protection.

    There are safeguards in place to make sure each person releases power etc as planned. A secret illuminati who themselfs have no power observe and make sure everyone dose as planned.

    Rob CmdrTaco Maldas girlfriend is not part of this plan as far as anyone knows however there is a strong likelyhood she may be the secret overloard who takes power for the last phase of the operation before giving power to Rob. However Hemos is also a likely canidate for the secret overlord.

    We know it's someone close to Rob...

    And in case your prepairing a counter attack....
    Just so you know... Just becouse I am fair....

    I am in charg of disinformation and everything above is a lie.....

    Thank you for your time....
  • Rember that Rob CmdrTaco Malda dosn't spell very well.
    So let me (The deity of typographical errors) translate... []
  • ...there was an "Ask Douglas Adams..." [] run two days prior to the Metallica question and I've still not seen a response.

    Or am I being dim and the response showed up two weeks ago?

  • Man, I can't believe how many Sonic Foundry loops I heard in just the first minute...
  • Listening to this episode, I heard you say ... is over 30000 feet above middle americia, while we are 3 inches above it. Have you invented an antigrav generator, and are keeping it from us? How dare you retain knowledge of star trek technologies from us, the people who watch startrek religiously

Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.
