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Goodbye Geek Compound 31

In this week's episode, we're back from the office move to discuss Microsoft buying Bungie, the new release of GNUCash, stupid processor naming schemes, the BT hyperlink patent, and more. This might be the last episode for awhile, as the Mackie (our mixing console) broke and I just shipped it back for repairs, so hang tight while we get it fixed.
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Goodbye Geek Compound

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  • Cmdr were saying that you can't play quicktime movies in linux...I just happened to stumble upon this [] over at freshmeat... it appears to be a quicktime player for linux...I'm still downloading it, hope it works.
  • So it's past Saturday.

    Congradulations Hemos, and what did Taco write in your card? He was soo excited about you seeing it on Geeks in Space... "Wait till ya see what I put in the card!"

    'Cmon, inquiring, lifeless geeks *HAVE* to know :-)

    (I posted similar to this on the big hemos hitched thread, but it got ate up too quickly)

  • "Why didn't thy just make it "'geeks3.1.mp3'?"

    Simple! Because Windows truncates the .mp3 by default and some users would be wondering what a .1 file was.

  • by gavinhall ( 33 )
    Posted by 11223:

    Why is it that whenever I see BT in this context, I think of Brian Transeau [] and not British Telecom?
  • ...was from Bullfrog, not Bungie. Great game, though.

  • Don't you mean non contiguous? ;)

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Mackie's stuff is quality. If you broke it, you were doing something bad to it. Something very bad.
  • first of all, its 31, not 39. Second of all its named geeksthirtyone.mp3 becayse geeks31.mp3 was allready taken by the emergency service patch, geeks in space 3.1.
  • When you guys made to babylon 5 reference, during the nano-satilite story. I was just seeing that J.M.S the guy who made to show was having a chat on the sci-fi channel mirc room.

    Which turned out to be preety cool because he answered two of my questions

    And does anybody know when the ground control thing will finnaly be shown?

  • by wowbagger ( 69688 ) on Thursday June 22, 2000 @05:33PM (#983924) Homepage Journal
    Rob, no matter what many trolls say, we really don't want to hear you fsck on the air. Do that in private, and wash your hands afterword.
  • by Sway ( 153291 ) on Thursday June 22, 2000 @06:33AM (#983925)

    Well, in honor of Hemos's nuptuals, I just wanted to send a big congratulations. My question is who will be wearing Hemos's pants in the family? And will he be hyphenating his screen name or is she taking his nick? Shouldn't this be a Geeks in Space exclusive? We want the webcast. Congrats, d00d! You are 31337!

    Peace. Sway

  • I believe they broke the Mackie Pro Tools HUI, not a Mackie Mixer exactly.
  • read subject line
  • No, they needed to call it something other than geeks31(.mp3|.ra), because that one was already taken by the patch to GiS Episode 3, which was called geeks31(.mp3|.ra) So the mystery of what they will call GiS 31 has been solved, and i'm sure it will be back to geeks32(.mp3|.ra) next (week? Best not be long ;)
  • Wouldn't those monkeys have evolved by now? They can probaly survive in the vacuum and shoot explosive tentacles. We should stay away from space...

    And about the hyperlinking patent, shouldn't those guys take it up with Gore, since he created the internet and all?
  • Will there be a live webcam at the wedding, or a video posted afterward? At least pictures like Chris and Christine's wedding? It was really great to see all of our favorite "characters" in one place, let alone dressed up like penguins.
  • LART, LART, LART! :)

    BTW, I don't like the lameness filter. LART is an acronym, so it's supposed to be all caps.

  • I was really surprised that Rob and Co. would make error.
  • And let's face it: you don't really need that fancy stuff to make the show anyway right? That ProTools gear is just for kicks, I'm sure intelligent adults like yourselves can come up with alternatives. Just don't deny me my weekly fix.
  • by Glytch ( 4881 ) on Thursday June 22, 2000 @12:55PM (#983934)
    The comments about never using the word "tory" reminded me of something. First of all, this is *not* a troll.

    Here in Canada, our two major political parties are the Progressive Conservative Party, also known as the Tories, and the (currently ruling) Liberal Party, also known as the Grits.

    Yes, Canada is run by Grits. I'm amazed that no /. trolls have picked up on this fact yet.
  • All geeks in space episodes contain a reference to windows karma and I was wondering what determines this, is it random, or is it as it appears; windows is about a stable as a laid-off postman with two loaded semi-automatic rifles. Also, windows seems to detect that you run linux or even think about running linux this causes crashes. But there is no karma, it is only how much you love Bill. Monopoly- (Bill Gates' definition) a board game comprised of 36 squares where the object is to control the world.
  • by coaxial ( 28297 ) on Friday June 23, 2000 @02:43PM (#983936) Homepage
    Oooo! We're so grown up! We no longer use digits, but rather spell out our numbers.

    We're just as cool as Matchbox20^H^HTwenty!!
  • by Anonymous Coward
    ...and other mutilations of []

  • Don't feel bad, grits are a quite delicious dish perfectly suitable for feeding a small nation like Canada afterall they've supplied the poor in the South with low-cost food for centuries. Now if your nation was run by some sort of yankee food then I would be the first to volunteer to join a peacekeeping force to liberate Canada from the oppression of northern culinery imperfection.

    (I'm a Virginian, i've got a right to make fun of the south; yankees however do not)

    Just a little off topic side note, the only difference between pre-emancipation North and South was that slavery in the south was based on race whereas in the North slavery was based on economic class.
  • ahh yes I forgot that. Episode 3.1 was geeks31.mp3 I remember thinking "Why didn't thy just make it "'geeks3.1.mp3'?"
  • What I'm wondering is -- isn't Diablo II not supposed to be out yet? Why does taco get to play it? Just because he's CmdrTaco? =) Anyone know where to grab a copy, or do I have to know someone on the inside?
  • Blizzard [] had 2 betas for Diablo 2 []. The first one was only for 1000 people in the USA, and they all were sent a CD. The second one was open to many more people (I think 100000), although everybody had to download about a 100 meg file. This second beta is still ongoing, although you need a key to play (1 per person, and don't ask for mine). This beta will end in about 4 days, since the full game is being released.
  • by veldrane ( 70385 )
    Knowing someone (or being "someone") definitely helps get a spot on the beta. CmdrTaco, Pete Abrahms of, et al get in on the beta before the lottery for the rest are decided.

    Now, how about the collector's edition of Diablo 2? For four days (the time you could buy it) I got absolutely nothing but busy signals and if CmdrTaco et al walk away with copies of the special edition, you can chalk that up to something other than mere coincidence.

  • by Inoshiro ( 71693 ) on Wednesday June 28, 2000 @06:35PM (#983943) Homepage
    Presenting -- the BogoMip []!

    Yes, finally, a measure of how fast your processor does the IDLE loop!

    "Dude, my K6-III does 800 Bogomips! It idles faster than your stinky Celeron!"

    And to ensure that people know where the processor is from, they'd name it by the company name.
    Thus: The AMD 800B, the Intel 400B, etc. Better than PR ratings, because you know something about the process that has even less bearing on its real world performance.

    Hey, it makes more sense than the Pentium 4 (Nonatium?)

    (Btw: Kudos to Intel's marketting dept. for selling the same PPro core in 5+(!) different proc revisions with little/no difference.. except in price!)
  • They could get rich by selling all those E-mail adresses ...
    Hey, that's my conspiracy theory for this week!


Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.
