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Live From The Garden 16

After another extra long pause, we're back with another installment, this time with Chris DiBona, man of many titles, and also the benevolent soul who found me a place to sleep at ALS. In this episode, we talk about bootable Linux games on CD, SQL, life as video game art, fancy chairs, and a healthy dose of anime as well.
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Live From The Garden

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  • what ever happend to loonygames? Did it get abandond?


    now that was a great site.
  • Say, was there a website for the project that the guys mentioned on this show? You know, the one where some people take images from real life and put them in the isometric videogame view? The whole idea seems really interesting.
  • thank the nonexistant god, theres finally a new geeks in space, WOOHOO
    ``ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country did to you'' --kmfdm
  • I was laughing so loud during the mandatory Kurt bashing (after the Lucas Midgets and Pater's Dwarf Wrestling) that people came over to see if I was alright. This GiS has got to be one of the best ones ever! It's as great as the early Emmet and Roblimo ones - CowboyNeal is the best!!!

    BTW, CmdrTaco - you may be shy but when we come up to ask you questions we're also shy - you are important to the Linux community - dude, we REALLY like and admire you (at least some of us) and maybe by asking you a lame question is our way of letting you know that. I for one would ask for an autograph, tell you that you're REALLY cool, take a photo and BEG for a Slashdot t-shirt (not that I already don't have one). Pretty lame huh? But that's my shy way of telling you that I admire you.

    All browsers' default homepage should read: Don't Panic...
  • Anyway, god you guys are trying to kill me, 37 minetes. You know how long this damm thing will take me to transcript. But hey its a funny episode

    Anyway, still no webpage but I'm almost done my second epsiode transcript.

    I have to admit Chris sounds older, maybe his voice broke, or you guys acctuly bought a good guest mike.

    thats all for now

  • Structured Query Language. There, I'm now ready to become an Oracle DBA, MCSE, and so on.
  • Although there is a minor debate about how to say it, pronouncing each letter is better (IMHO). SEQUEL, which stood for Structured English Query Language, became SEQUEL/2, which was reduced to the SQL we use today. (most of the top Google hits [google.com] say this) Therefore, saying "sequel" refers to the original language (SEQUEL), and "es-cue-el", SQL.

    Hmmm... since Nate couldn't be there to plug Everything [everything2.com], I guess I will: SQL writeups [everything2.com]. (Currently, there isn't anything about SEQUEL [everything2.com], though.)

  • The midget (I think he was a dwarf) you guys were talking about is Warwick Davis [imdb.com] , who played "Wicket", the little brown Ewok, as well as Willow. I think he had a cameo in The Phantom Menace.
  • I'm surprised that only one person has posted this information. I personally had no idea, but I figured there would be tons of post on this...
  • I wouldn't say that Cagliostro and Bebop are similar, as far as story is concerned, but the character designs for Spike and Jet in Bebop are inspired from Lupin and Jigen.

    In fact, Lupin III recently made the top-10 of favorite anime characters in Japan.

    Watch more Lupin III!

  • by Galvatron ( 115029 ) on Tuesday October 31, 2000 @12:45PM (#669903)
    CmdrTaco HAS used the word barf before, check this [slashdot.org] out. Of course, it's not in the commentary, it's a link, the UnixBarfBag. C'mon Taco, really, get your sources straight :)

    On an unrelated note, I really feel your pain with the video gobbling space thing. I remember when I first tried to record a TV show from my TV tuner. I left, and when I got back, something like 3 gigs were taken up before I ran out of space on the partition with about 5 minutes of video.

    Also, La Blue Girl is a touching anime about a young ninja girl and her efforts to keep the world from being overrun by demons, hermaphrodite ninja clans, and cyborgs from another dimension. I'm sick and tired of people dismissing its artistic qualities merely because it contains a few (thousand) tentacle rape scenes.

    That is all.

  • Ok now for the conspericy

    Slashdot is a conspericy to make you THINK FOR YOURSELF
    Accually Slashdot is a small part of the greater conspericy to make you think.
    Yes even Microsoft is in on it...

    Microsofts part is the Darwinist activity. By providing poor quality software and random defects as well as insain software issues (Such as DLL hell where Windows mutates at random every time you install new software or drivers) this punishes users and busnesses who blindly buy something simply becouse they are told to.
    Do some research and you'll quickly realise that an operating system build on top of an older operating system based on yet annother operating system is really not a good idea and not exactly the kind of thing you want to use unless you absolutly have to.
    In the IT sector if you think about it the whole idea of a GUI os (designed to interact with A SINGLE user and give that SINGLE user the majority of it's processing time in the form of a USER INTERFACE) for a SERVER (needs to deliver data to users.. UI etc are a waist of processing time)

    So Microsoft is clearly the trap for unthinking ITs and end users who don't accually think about what they need and just buy the first thing they see.

    Linus and RMS are also in this conspericy
    RMS for providing an intelegent alternitive to expensive software. Software that works well and reliable and for designing a whole techno culture where software is free yet the author benifits with comments and improvments to the software he accually wrote for himself.
    Yet.. RMS provides a SCARY presona that frightens the unthinking. Putting the free software movment in the position of repelling anyone who is easy to scare.
    For Linuses part he provides an operating system that has been built based on the Standard of the Internet.. Unix.
    However Linus leaves the wires exposed.. it dose not come in a shiny package. It dosn't come with buzzwords. It dosn't attract the unthinking. Only those who can see how Linux can benifit them become intrested in it.

    And of course Slashdot is part of the conspericy. Slashdot posts news storys but occasionally gets it wrong.. The users are then forced to post "No no no it's like this" and readers come to realise that Slashdot is not 100% reliable that they can't trust the news and they must check things out for themselfs.
    In short.. Slashdot forces people to come to the conclusion that they must think for themselfs.

    BSD is also part of this..
    Ohh yes.. By providing a better solution but hidding away BSD has made it so that busnesses who don't research ALL the posabilitys don't do as well as those that do. No easy answers instead BSD provides the best solution hidden in the closet so you gotta look for it. You need to realise if Linux is BASED on Unix.. there are OTHER Unix systems as well.. and Linux may NOT be the best solution.. that it's Unix that makes Linux a good solution for you.. and annother Unix may be better.
    So BSD provides that busnesses who don't research the posabilitys well enough and don't "Think" about what might be out there will never find the best solutions and won't do as well as those that do.

    And yes Apple too is part of the conspericy
    The Mac is a very powerful platform but it takes research to discover this. The Mac platform is a better design than it's PC rival. It has more thought put into it in the area of "user friendly" this not meaning Macs aren't powerful but that they are power at the fingertips of a user who isn't very familure with computers. However being familure with computers dosn't mean the Mac isn't going to be as useful as more complex operating systems. That is unless the more complex os was accually designed to do something MacOs was not. But that gose both ways as the Mac can do quite a bit.
    But someone shopping for a new computer is required to ask questions and of corse realise when they are being sold a load of BS. Not so much by knowing computers but by how eager the salesmen is to sell you the system he wants you do buy and how easlly he dismisses anything else.

    In short the user must not only think but he must "think diffrently" consider the alternitives and when he is barred from them take your questions to someone who will answer them.

    So basicly the conspericy to get people to think for themselfs by punishing users for not shopping around for the best deal in computers like they might for cars or food or well anything that isn't computer related....

    Even Kurt "The Pope" is part of this conspericy..
    It dosn't take much to realise "www.thepope.org" is not the home page for the head of the Cathic church and a religous organisation that larg isn't going to absolve sins vea a web forum or take credit card payment for sins..
    (On the other hand I recomend if you have commited the sin of not thinking you should seek absolution from Kurt... and not that other guy)

    and even I am part of that conspericy for you see this isn't just a joke... it's a rant.. and to seperate the two you need to think....
  • Nice try...
    Next shows "conspericy" rant will be about Slashdot trolls...
    (No not really... not worth mention.. I have better matereal to draw from..)
  • Ok everyone when you talk to Taco at the shows rember to tell him "Pleasant Dreams" that why when he gose to bed at the end of the day he'll hear "Pleasant Dreams" in his head..

    As for who to blame about the Lack of GiS epps.. I suggest you blame Canada.
    Who do you e-mail about the lack of GiS epps?
    e-mail kurt "The Pope" :)

    And next Beannies.. new catagory... "Best Slashdot Conspericy writer" :) just kidding
  • It's been up for the past year. Try it again, there's more good stuff there.

    WolfSkunks for a better Linux Kernel

I had the rare misfortune of being one of the first people to try and implement a PL/1 compiler. -- T. Cheatham
