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Back In Effect 17

It just so happened that both Nate and Hemos were back in town, and the result was yet another show. We talk about TiVo, Napster, and CmdrTaco and Hemos' recent trip to Japan.
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Back In Effect

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  • From TheSync's Geeks In Space Page (http://thesync.com/geeks/ [thesync.com]):

    "Geeks in Space" is a nearly-weekly audio show...

    There should be a law against putting that much emphasis on the word "nearly".
  • six months is a long time, but still, thank you. i was getting sick of listening to old gis episodes.

  • OK, you tell us who this guy is, but you don't give us a song title or album name to go on to go buy his CD!


  • This is a good idea.

    If everyone has broadband they should be able to ditch the telephone and chat in real time over one of those IP telephony thingys. (Roger Wilco [resounding.com] or CCFaudio [emory.edu] or something similar.) The latency should be low enough to keep everybody synced up nicely, and it makes the long distance charges go away.

    When streaming the voices to hard drive (assuming there's enough space after all the pr0n^H^H^H^H Christmas photos), 16-bit, 22KHz mono should be plenty, which will consume roughly 2.5MB/min or 150MB/hour. There's reason to believe this will compress fairly well with bzip2 so you've got lossless compression but Nate doesn't have to deal with 150MB email attachments.

    Or you could try FLAC [sourceforge.net], which I have no experience with, but it might work better than bzip2 since it's lossless compression designed specifically for audio. Or if you don't care that much about audio quality, compress the voice streams to a 256Kb MP3 for emailing. See if I care.

    And ultimately it'd be nice to see some OGGs for download as the final product. It being free software and all that.

    Just for the record, I spent way too long crafting this message that almost no one will read.

  • Why was this not on the front page i think after that much of an absence it should have been if it had not been for my pretty GiS slahsbox i would have never known. Thanks for the show, I have been feinding for it for what six months now?

  • Serriously, that might work! I've thought about this. I know phone is too low fidelity to plug in to the mixer and record but what if you only record John and Rob on the mixer and have Nate and Jeff on the phone so you can talk in real time, have them record on semi-decent mics on their computers on either coast, convert their tracks to high quality mp3s (what-have-you), email them in and merge the tracks together. It's not quite as high fidelity as having you all on the mixer board but its 10x better than recording off the phone, not too much time shifting between tracks after 30 minutes and not too hard to do! Heck, I'll volunteer to merge the tracks together.
    I LOVE GIS, it make the drive to work so enjoyable, other drivers stuck in LA traffic just stair at me as I bust up at the lame geek jokes. Keep up the good work!
  • by JJC ( 96049 ) on Saturday June 30, 2001 @08:55PM (#119009)

    See the "subscribe to the newsletter" thing on the sync [thesync.com]? It's just an announce list for when an episode is posted. It tends to come a few days before it's posted on /. too (this episode's mail came on Wednesday).

  • thank you grammar police! ;-) Tracks, yes definatly... there is Virus, Mastermind, Memory Loss, and Madness. Those are some of my favorites on that album. Search for deltron on cdnow.com and it will pull up the album. Good Luck
  • I believe his first album is self titled, but his new comp project DelTron 3030 is awesome. It's Del, KidKoala, and Dan the Automator... very very phat album. It's all about the future and space battles, virus', microsoft, corporations. A very fun album and I recommend it to people who aren't really into hiphop.. it's a good way to get into it.
  • isn't GiS supposed to be a weekly thing or something?
    long week?

    /Mikael Jacobson

    "But surely we won't be still stuck with Linux in 25 years!?"
  • guys you should set up some kind of blinky light or email announcement for theses things coming out. I was about to go to another website (still in the osdn family mind you) when i shit a brick and saw something above turbo nitrous version. I thought that would never change.
  • well now, don't I just look like a jackass. guess i just get so excited at the possibility of actually hearing an episode i immediately click the listen link and fail to notice anything else. thanks. gonna go crawl back into my cave now
  • Well, if it makes you feel better, I read it. Just wanted to throw in my support. I mean, it's not like we're listening to an orchestra here, a loss in quality is perfectly acceptable.

    Hey, Geeks, get on it.

  • well considering I finnaly got out of high school, I've been up for 26 hours thanks to cerimonies and dry grads and such (I won a nice wooden chest for my dorm room) Ok heres a suggestion you guy should tape a show anytime you guys go to a convention. You can all get there and right it off as a business expense. We'll like listening to GIS. As for the easzil thing, I think they were named most likely to make money, because they guy somewhat saw it as a windows thing, the big thing people will want to have to make computing easier. Anyway must go and sleep. sleep sleeeepppppppppp. Me.
  • The actual story is actually funnier:

    First, the exploit... there is a bug in the damage routine that allows a player to avoid AoE damage if they are far enough off on the Z-axis(up/down).

    Second, the clan... A high leveled guild decided to see attempt to kill a "god". The GM's found out about it.

    Third, the takedown... the creature the guild set out to take down would only spawn after four watch-dragons had been destroyed, and after three of the four had been killed the GM's stepped in. The clarics were standing in an area that was far enough down to avoid the AoE spells, so they were busilly healing. The GM's tried to prevent the spawning of "the Sleeper" by despawning the fourth dragon, this caused the spawn of the Sleeper, whom they also dispelled. The GM's then moved on to BAN ALL PLAYERS in the zone, even those who just had corpse's in the zone, for using this exploit.

    If people can connect to one another even the smallest of voices will grow loud.
  • Why don't you guys just recorde yourselves individually and put everything together in post. Isn't that what you do anway. I'm sure mix master Pater can make it work.
  • He also did two songs for the Gorillaz didn't he?

Did you know that if you took all the economists in the world and lined them up end to end, they'd still point in the wrong direction?
