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Geeks In Space: Inside The Iron Lung 15

Well, we're back in action, this time from an Iron Lung. Special guest Chris DiBona sits in with us, and we discuss everything from Corel's Linux Distribution to Cyberwar. This excruciatingly special episode can be found at The Sync.
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Geeks In Space: Inside The Iron Lung

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    The latest installment of Geeks in Space is up at The Sync. Listen to CmdrTaco, Hemos, and Nate talk about the latest events to happen - or not happen in the computer world.
    Update: 08/26 01:48
    Maybe somebody could update this information when you post a new episode... There have been a few new episodes since Aug 26. The date of the last episode should be somewhere on the main page. (This epidode has been out for almost 5 days, but there are still only ten comments here - obviously nobody is noticing this area).

  • You know the one thing you have to remember is that Corel is kind of an old fashioned company (tm) who don't want to release the source code and not distribute it for a few reasons.

    1. They lottery and select people to beta test, they only have a few people do this because if they had 900 people telling them about some error they (being the programmers) would be in hell.

    2. It gives off the impression to other companies, (and more importantly, Wall street) that they've got some big secret thing comming out, it actually seems pretty impressive, in the 'high levels' of companies (read: clueless stockholders and investors who read press releases and use that as their sole form of research), that they appear to be developing one of them "new linux things",

    Corel is just trying to maintain it's normal image. I think it's a little early to say that they don't believe in any of the things that the "open source community" does. I'm sure corel will somewhat change it from vanilla debian, which would explain why they are beta testing, I guess.

    -[ - #eblana ]-
  • Assure you that no Chris DiBona's were hurt during the recording of Geeks in Space. I acutally had a lot of fun doing it. I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did. Chris
    Grant Chair, Linux Int.
  • I listened to my first episode last night on a whim, and it kicks ass! I remember the original announcement but didn't pay much attention to it, and now I wish I had. You guys need to promote this show more on Slashdot.

    I live in LA but I spent six months in the Valley working for Be, and your show reminded me of why I sometimes miss those days. University Ave., gourmet burritos, Linux, and South Park jokes, well at least I have two of the four here in LA! Keep up the great work!

  • I'd like to see a list of links to the mp3 files for all the episodes right here on Slashdot's "" page. I don't really care whether the files are mirrored here, elsewhere, or linked directly to The Sync. I'd just like to be able to get the latest episode, and any that I've missed, right here, instead of having to go to [] for the latest and [] for the older ones.

    As for putting it on the front page vs. the "radio" section, I think the best thing is to keep it here in the side section, but mention it (at least in a "quickie") on the front page every couple months, or every three-to-five episodes, or something like that, just as a sort of "for those of you just joining us" thing.

    David Gould
  • The Sync seems to be slashdotted... is there anywhere you guys can set up a mirror server? Is The Sync accepting applications for mirror servers? Help! I need my GIS!
  • I read a few comments from earier today. Is anyone still having problems with the Sync server, or should I mirror it now? Right now, I'm downloading it at 2.5k/sec. Errrgh. I don't think we should have given CmdrTaco access to Chris DiBona. I haven't listened to the whole show yet, but I have this awful feeling that the clan of Slashdot is going to cause bodily injury to Chris.

    Ooooh, but they *are* talking about Corel Linux and Debian, which is quite interesting.

    But they sure are laughing a lot. Go figure. This *is* Rob we're talking about. :)

    And no, I'm not flaming Slashdot Radio. Slashdot radio, to me, is like M4D Un1X C0D3z to a Skr1Pt K1DDi3.

    But, Rob, seriously, I think it's time to but *some* kind of link on the main page to the GiS show. Yes, the first two or three sucked, but the last few have really changed my mind about the whole thing. Geeks in Space belongs on the frontpage and, frankly, I don't care *who* doesn't like it. I'd like to see them go out and find a better Linux/Nanotech/Hardware/Software/Politically based web portal.
  • I'm trying to download the last episode currently
    at 164 bytes/sec :-), so please can someone
    post a mirror?
  • Does The Sync have a mirroring policy? I couldn't find one on their site (although I didn't look really hard, I just poked around in some obvious locations).

    The download last night was incredibly slow (but functional), but it looks like it's a lot slower (if available at all) today :-)

  • Actually, I was asking about the mirroring policy specifically because I've already downloaded the episode and want to help my fellow "addicts" get their "fix". At the same time, I'd rather not step on y'all's toes about it :-)

    If (and only if) it's OK with you folks @ The Sync, I'll mirror the file and announce where it will reside for the next few days. If not, I won't. OK?

  • But, Rob, seriously, I think it's time to but *some* kind of link on the main page to the GiS show.

    What? Are you kidding? The Sync's already Slashdotted, and the audience is fairly small :-)

    A link on the front page would be nice about now. Actually, on further reflection, what I'd like to see is a link on the front page for show #10 -- sort of a milestone show. That way, there is time to prepare mirrors, etc., and it's a fitting time to announce it.

    (Oh, and I disagree. All of the shows are great -- some more than others, but the earlier ones did not, in my opinion, suck. But, to each his own :-) )

  • I'm going through withdrawal! There wasn't one this week :-(

    (Or did I just completely miss it?)

  • The iron lung was the last episode (9) there will be another soon, really there will (*hopes*) im not going through withdrawl really im not... patients is a virtue...

    ok thats enough


  • I had to register for some page watcher service just to get, the latest update on time (as in not a week after the fact)

    Let's get it on the front page!

    Aaron "PooF" Matthews
    To mail me remove "fish."
    ICQ: 11391152
    Quote: "Success is the greatest revenge"
  • We're having some network trouble with our MP3 server, so we've already moved Episode #9 to another server...go hit the site [] and reload the page and try again if you've had problems. Sorry!

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