Geeks In Space: Live from the New Studio 28
Back on the scene with a new installment, we talk about the Atlanta Linux Showcase, the horrific loss of Hemos' and Nate's house, and the various addictions that plague our productivity. This agonizingly special episode can be downloaded from TheSync.
You asked for it (Score:2)
We few faithful listeners have spoken!
As long as our demands are met, there will be no violence.
Friends help you move.
Good friends help you move Bodies.
Friends help you move
We want... (Score:2)
Special guests are cool. (I agree with the other guy. Women are cool. We like women. But cool women. Get Nitrozac or somebody!)
News is cool. GO! Make news! Crush the weak! Fillet the mighty!
Burning houses suck. Try to reduce the number of those which affect future broadcasts.
We want extra Karma points just for listening!
We want a doom mod that will let us destroy parts of the broadcast which we don't want to hear!
Nuclear capabilities! Angry senators! Geeks In Space! All these can be yours!
GiS v.11 (Score:1)
... (Score:1)
Comments.. (Score:1)
Chris DiBona was a good guest, but everyone else I don't remember their names for the life of me, and I have the GiS episodes running on infinate loop one after another, so that can't be a good sign..
I'm suprised you didn't lie and say you were at ALS.. I wonder what the sound effect for that would be....
*annoying fan valleygirl sound*
*The annoying peach sound on GA Lotto Commercials*
I actually saw CmdrTaco getting a coke at the coke machine by the bathrooms and then taking the most logical route, back to the booth. For some reason that was the highlight of ALS for me. It's probaly because the show's little booth walls remind me of a labrats maze. I'm probaly going to have dreams now of being stuck in a maze and being accosted by Linux-mag people, damn you, Freud.
The strongest quality of the show is being accessable to people who might not read
-[ World domination - rains.net ]-
A few questions and comments about the show... (Score:1)
What we Like (Score:1)
Now that I think about it.. (Score:1)
The actual "news" mentioned in Geeks in Space is very minimal, if not just a casual reference, and a joke about it (which is probably a good thing). Who knows, maybe you guys could start puting more of these things together, maybe make some more spacific sound clips, for example, discuss what is happening with Intel and AMD exclusively and give you own opinions/ predictions. This would be a completely different thing than geeks in space (Geeks in space is just a few guys getting together, puting on a show and having fun.. The latter is a bunch of guys getting together and "trying" to have a indepth discussion.) I guess what I am getting at, is that I would like to be able to get more indepth on spacific topics (of cource ones that interest you guys and one that you have somthing to say about), but the spacific topics should not take the place of Geeks in Space.
Special guests are allright, like has been stated allready, I don't care either way. You guys are entertaining enough! But it is nice to have different people's ideas represented.
You ever think of doing a show live? That would be very cool. Set up a chat room, and run real audio brodcasting live. Then we can hear you guys talking, and you can see what we are typing in the chat. You could also set it up so that people that wanted to add to the conversation could call in and talk to ya (Their was somthing like this set up for the BETA of Homeworld.. Of cource I called in and asked them about porting to Linux
Another reason I think people like Geeks in Space is that it makes their be actual personalities behind Slashdot. It not just a bunch of technical talk (which is good, and I like) but it makes the people that use the technology have personalities, and lives outside of their computers (at least somewhat
Anyway's, I would like to say Good job. Evrything that you guys have done I have enjoyed and found interesting (and even addicting).
((OK, enough brown noseing for one post
This weeks show. (Score:1)
MUCH better! (Score:1)
Best lines from this episode:
"I'll just insert a quiet moment later on. We can insert respect in post!"
"I like it when Pater does the human beatbox!" [usic plays]
Almost fell out of my chair laughing at that last one (:
Needs stupid geek tricks (Score:1)
guests are kewl as well as other things (Score:1)
Stuff I like (Score:1)
What do I like? (Score:1)
Cowboy Neal (Score:1)
I see him, just sitting there, handing out his side comments, and getting the laughs.
(Mind you, I LIKED Tom Servo from MST3K)
And he even has the voice!
*Carlos: Exit Stage Right*
"Geeks, Where would you be without them?"
stuff that is good (Score:1)
The thing that I really like about GiS is the "inside view" of slashdot. I'm being totally serious. It's nice to hear a little bit more on a topic that was posted than "from-the-stuff-that-you-should-read-dept."
I like the fx with the new equipment. The last episode was painful (fx wise that is)
As many others have said, humor is always good. Nothing like a little inside joke with the small group of slashdot readers... ;-)
It makes me want to get into radio again...of course I doubt chico state [csuchico.edu] would let me back in now...
Mucho late, but... (Score:1)
I really enjoy the humor and the chit-chat. Interesting special guests are nice (Mr. diBona was great!), but the chatting is most of what I tune in for (and re-listen because of).
Keep doing it, and keep doing it the way you want to. You've done great so far, so I (and hopefully others) trust you to keep doing so.
(Looking forward to another one. Isn't tonight the night?)
And if the hard drive dies, post something so rabid fan-boys (like me) know why there isn't a show =)
Re: (Score:1)
Release the level tests! (Score:1)
Good (Score:1)
2 things: 1, you need phone calls! Or at least letters. Maybe take some of the better/worst comments from last week (if any) and add them to the show the following week. Have GiS awards for those that get read
love it (Score:1)
Content Free = BAD! (Score:1)
N is for... (Score:1)
Re:Content Free = BAD! (Score:1)
Stalking the Geeks.. (Score:1)
Personally, my favourite parts have been anything not news related - I get enough of it text-based. Although I am not a stalker, I like to hear about your personal lives.. it's makes it more interesting for me, and I'm sure a few more off-the-wall people like myself. Guests are OK, but I prefer the same people in everytime, therefore I agree with you Taco. I read a post before mine saying "We like good guests". Define good buddy, a word so broad shouldn't be used when giving feedback
Anyway, keep up the great work on Geeks in Space, I'm glad to see that particular day's date on the left hand side of my web browser.
By the way, are you guys planning on doing it every Wednesday or just when available?
Thanks again,
Re:Content Free = BAD! (Score:1)
Yeah! get Cliff Stoll... (Score:1)
Oh, come on! (Score:1)
What, did you decide that it was "content-free" just because they said so? Lighten up. My impression is that they were saying it in a humorously self-deprecating sense. That doesn't make it true. Nor have they ever claimed that GiS was anything more than a bunch of geeks sitting around yakking pointlessly and cracking jokes. I think "content-free" as an insult only applies to things that are supposed to be meaningful, but fail.
As far as I can tell, GiS is just meant to be entertaining, and, in my opinion, it is, very much so, and I for one like it. It has improved a lot since the first couple of episodes, when it sounded a lot like they were just reading down that day's Slashdot front page.
They still discuss items that have been on Slashdot lately, but that's how it should be. In fact, it would almost have to be, since if they thought something was worth talking about, they should have posted it, so what else could they talk about? The difference is that, the first couple of times, they really didn't add much to what had been posted on the front page. Now, they pick a few of te more interesting items and talk about them in more depth (so it sounds more like they're reading off one of the discussion pages).
The advantage is that this adds new "content" (albeit more joking than serious analysis) that was not in the posting. I guess you could say that they're not necessarily any more "special" than any of the other people who comment on the discussion pages, so there is no qualitative difference between their comments and those on the site, but they are the guys who run the site, after all, and I think this is cool in that it adds a more personal touch to what they do. Plus, it expands the discussion into a new medium.
A couple of suggestions: Maybe they could add some interactivity by taking a few minutes to read out and respond to some selected comments from the previous episode's discussion, or anywhere on the site. Also, it would be nice if the http://slashdot.org/index.pl?section=radio page had a box with direct links to download the mp3 files for all past episodes (including the current one) -- this would save the trouble of having to go through two or three of TheSync's pages for the archives when we miss an episode (TheSync, annoyingly enough, does not have the current episode on the archive page, so there is no sigle page that has them all).
David Gould