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Live from a Sunspot 20

In this week's episode, we talk about tanning, the Microsoft trial, and many things we probably shouldn't. Many thanks to TheSync for hosting this for us. Also, if everything goes well, we should be broadcasting next week from COMDEX, which should be interesting, to say the least.
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Live from a Sunspot

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  • How's the background noise at comdex? Will I actually be able to understand you guys? If not, plz post transcripts. Also, bug the Transmeta guys for me. Tks.

    I hope I take first post from some luser.

  • Nice that you decided to keep the longer format. I liked the explanation about micro$0ft, since i haven't read that much /. lately. Very realxed and cool episode. This is great, keep it up!
  • Don't know if this counts. This one is a mix between Spam and a chain letter, but I love it all the same:

    Subject: [Fwd: Is this for real?]

    Some junk mail with a potential difference!
    Circulated by a colleague in ECM. IS THIS FOR REAL? I hope so I am
    sending this because the person who sent it to me is a very professional
    business person and a good friend and does not send me junk mail.
    Microsoft and AOL are now the largest Internet company and in an effort
    make sure that Internet Explorer remains the most widely used program,
    Microsoft and AOLare running an e-mail beta test. When you forward this
    e-mail to friends, Microsoft can and will track it (if you are a
    Microsoft Windows user) for a two week time period. For every person
    that you forward this e-mail to, Microsoft will pay you $245.00, for
    every person that you sent it to that forwards it on, Microsoft will
    pay you $243.00 and for every third person that receives it, you will be
    paid $241.00. Within two weeks, Microsoft will contact you for your
    address and then send you a check. I thought this was a scam myself,
    but two weeks after receiving this e-mail and forwarding it on, Microsoft
    contacted me for my e-mail and within days, I received a check for

    You need to respond before the beta testing is over. If anyone can
    afford this Bill Gates is the man. It's all marketing expense to him.

    And here is a simple anti chain-letter chain-letter that can be used to stop, go figure, chain-letters:

    Subject: This is for real! Do it now!
    Send this message to everyone you know and you won't recieve any more chain letters.

  • as requested, heres my favorite spam. Btw, yes this is real.

    Date: Mon, 04 Oct 99 14:47:34 EST
    Comments: Authenticated sender is
    MIME-Version: 1.0

    "Why do consumers pay $300+ for Microsoft, Adobe and
    other 'big name' INDIVIDUAL software tiles? ...
    ....because they don't know
    what YOU are about to find out! "


    No gimmicks or pirated software. No rebates to send away for.
    These are FULL-VERSION programs, delivered to you when you


    DON'T pay HUGE $$$ for over-priced and quickly outdated
    DON'T spend BIG $$ for a collection of light-weight
    DON'T pay MORE $$$PER month for services you are about
    to get free!

    TOTAL SOFTWARE 2000© is a collection of COMPLETE
    PROGRAMS that are yours ROYALTY FREE! Publishers give
    away tons of software each year to help create future customers!
    Much of this software is cutting edge!


    STAR OFFICE FULL SUITE, 100% Microsoft Office
    compatible and runs native on Windows 95/98 NT. Multi-award
    winning software.
    ALL-IN-ONE processer, spreadsheet, database, presentation
    maker, email, news, charting and graphics applications...

    Reviewers all agree :
    This is more powerful, more stable, more feature-rich yet more
    intuitive to use than MS Office 2000 to the punch !!
    (StarOffice superior to MS Office according to BYTE

    INTERNET CREATOR, E-Commerce Edition the complete
    Web site builder. Enables anyone to create and maintain a
    professional, commercial Web site without knowing any HTML!
    Email ordering, shopping cart management, forms, etc...
    Superior to MS Frontpage, Dreamweaver, and PageMill hands

    ADOBE ACROBAT CLONE!!! Save $200!! Publish your own
    E-books for FREE! It does everything that the full version
    of Adobe Acrobat does .. AND MORE! One click converts your
    document into rich, full-color formatted file, with a

    PAGE PLUS INTRO Desktop Publishing software! Create
    anything from Greeting Cards to Corporate Reports! Point,click
    and drag page components. Rotate text, apply special effects...

    GIMP Photo Pro! Harness the power of PhotoShop without the
    price! MindVision Software is giving you this beta release!
    Correct, Clone, Blend, Filters, Layers, etc...

    Formula Graphics Multimedia, for making complete,
    professional multimedia presentations. Brings your artwork,
    sounds and animations together to create interactive
    multimedia titles.

    ANTIVIRUS Protection software. Protect your data with the
    newest, always up-to-date, virus prevention system.
    If you are online (who isn't!!) YOU NEED THIS.

    CALL CENTER Virtual Fax and Voice-Mailbox Answer
    All-in-one, telecom center for your desktop! Turn your modem
    into a point-and-click fax and voice-mail answering machine!

    No worthless shareware samplers or 5-minute teasers! Titles
    include :
    and many more!

    PLUS....F R E E BIZ BONUSES ....

    THE INSTANT PUBLISHER CD-ROM! Retails for over $200
    across the Internet. Contains thousands of royalty-free books
    and reports you can re-package and SELL for $$$$'s each!
    SELL these REPORTS online and make BIG BUCKS $$ !!

    THE INTERNET DETECTIVE. You've seen it advertised!. Now,
    get this investigative software absolutely FREE! This is it -
    The Software they wanted banned. The files that the government
    has on you, or anyone ..... you know the F*I .... etc,
    driving records, criminal background checks, money that is
    owed to you, unlisted phone numbers, social security, medical
    records, military records and the list goes on and on.
    Open your own Internet Detective business !!!

    FREE INTERNET ACCESS! No more monthly fees! Get high-
    speed, local dial-up numbers across the country!

    INTERNETACTIVE Software. An essential asset for all Internet
    businesses. Find sources for free goodies and advertising on
    the Internet!

    THOUSANDS $$$!!
    If you purchased name brands such as MS Office Pro ($300) or
    Adobe PhotoShop($600) you could pay well OVER $4,000 for a
    similar software package ......

    TOTAL SOFTWARE 2000© is fantastic value at our normal price
    of $499 ... but .... for a LIMITED TIME ONLY ......

    TOTAL SOFTWARE 2000© is offered to you at the special
    introductory and INCREDIBLE price of ONLY $249 !!! ......
    NO, THAT IS NO TYPO ........... $249 ONLY !!!
    HALF the normal LOW retail price
    ________________________________________________ _______
    * Alternate Internet Browsers (including one just for kids.)
    * AOL "Keep Alive" more time disconnects.
    * Accept Checks on-line...complete software package
    * Accept Credit Cards now; no set-up or monthly charge
    * Complete Accounting package for home or business
    * Package Web Pages, graphics, music, etc...into 1 exe file
    * Label and Business Card Designer, graphics enables
    * 3D Modelling...create 3D models from photographs
    * Development Resources...fonts, pictures, multimedial engine
    * Customizable Screensaves and Fun, Animated Cursors
    * Plus More Games and still the list goes on!


    You will love Total Software 2000©! For detailed
    product information and ordering instructions, just
    go to:


    fill in the 'more info' form USING REFERENCE # 1120


    ================================================ =
    Removal Instructions:
    To be removed from any future mailing by us
    please register at:

  • Is CowboyNeal Tom Servo?
    Or is he a Muppet?

    Or is he both?

    In reguards to alter egos, I think BaronCarlos has enough of them to keep his dysfunctional mind occupied for the rest of the millenium.

    Great Show guys, keep it up.

    Perhaps in next week's show you could use the background noise in MST3K format and really go.

    Hemos: Joel
    CmdrTaco: Crow
    CowboyNeal: Tom Servo

    T'would be great laughs.

    *Carlos: Exit Stage Right*

    "Geeks, Where would you be without them?"

  • ...couldn't possibly have anything to do with the fact that Slashdot's IPO date is on monday, could it? ;) Are you guys nervous?

    favorite spam: "try not to do anything and make lots of money!"

  • So I listened to this week's show then checked out the poll page to see whether CowboyNeal still had only 3%. Oddly enough, the stats showed him in the lead at 28% (9027 votes to 8909) instead!

    First I thought all the Geeks in Space listeners had voted for him as instructed. Then I noticed that the percentages didn't quite look right. After some adding, my conclusion: someone decided CowboyNeal needed a little "help" and donated 8000 extra votes that aren't counted in the total.

    Isn't this going a little far to become a muppet? ;-)

  • When you all talk at once, it does get hard to understand you.

    Also, Rob seems to speak louder at some times, as if he leans towards the microphone. :)

    The music is nice. :)

    My favourite spam: Microsofts Y2k email. I don't USE MS products! I don't care. :)
    The others is cheap US interstate call rates. I live in New Zealand, we don't even have states. :)

    I agree with others in previous comments sections, having you read out some comments/emails and commenting on them would be nice, answer the question, or make fun of it *grin*.

    Hmm, come to think of it, slashdot the US Postal system, offer to answer a FEW questions sent in via snail mail. That'd work, till the US Postal system gets slashdoted, and then refuses to deliver your mail, and you don't get your CDs you order :)

  • In the book, "Do penguins have knees?" they do explain the reasoning of the coupon value.. Something about some state in the US that has some silly rule that people can turn in coupons for cash, maybe I'll dig the book out later. =P Amazon might have the book....
  • My favorite spam was a spam about buying your college degree from a non-accredited college.

    I almost thought about buying a degree for the hell of it.

  • I dunno, the spam from people selling e-mail address lists on CD always get me... :)

    Funny as usual... keep it up!

  • -----
    Re: lost episodes

    First, don't take this the wrong way, but I have to wonder, how do you manage to lose episodes? I can see screwing up on any of the various post-processing stages, especially with all the "new-fangled equipment", but I would think that you wouldn't delete the copy from each earlier stage, at least until you've verified the next one. Is the problem that they haven't been getting recorded in the first place? How hard is it to press "Record" at the beginning, whatever "new-fangled equipment" you're using?

    Re: Spam:

    Subject: Your college degree. (
    Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 21:20:43 -0400 (EDT)
    MIME-Version: 1.0

    Increase your personal prestige and money-
    earning power through an advanced
    university degree.

    Eminent, non-accredited universities will
    award you a degree for only $300.

    Degree granted based on your present
    knowledge and experience. No further
    effort necessary on your part.

    Just a short phone call is all that is
    required for a BA, MA, MBA, or PhD diploma
    in the field of your choice.

    For details, call 713-866-6515

    You can call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
    including Sundays and holidays.

    [1] Each time I get this, it has different numeric codes in these places. Maybe these are just attempts to fool spam-filters, but just in case it's some kind of tracking thing, I'm deleting them.

    I also started saving spam a while back, and I have two copies of the above. I also have about half a dozen of the "Bullseye Gold Marketing" one on my home machine, which I would have posted but I don't have it here on my 'Book.

    Re: Wolfenstein

    A few months ago, a friend and I were bored enough to pull up the old version of Wolfenstein 3D on my G3. Even with the speed governor on, it was just too fast. It was playable, but it felt weird -- it was almost too smooth! As he pointed out, though, the old games are a lot of fun, and not just for nostalgia: Since they didn't have all the extraneous detail of the newer games, it is like "main-lining" pure action. With the speed governor off, of course, it was just insane. Like you said, 150 frames per second. The problem is, I guess it treats each frame as a constant interval of game time, instead of rendering more intermediate states. As a result, the brown guys' pistol sounded like a chaingun, and it was impossible to maneuver, since tapping the turn key made you do at least a full circle and tapping forward bumped you into a wall instantly.

    Re: distributed computing projects

    I, too, am sticking with my RC5-64 until it is finished. After that, I was considering SETI@Home, and maybe I'll do it if the problem you mentioned (more processors than data available) changes, but more likely I'll switch to the OGR (Optimal Golomb Ruler) project, since that one is actually doing something useful -- I don't know all the math, but Golomb Rulers have lots of practical applications, and finding optimal ones is incredibly compute-intensive, so this project could actually contribute useful results to various scientific fields.

    As for putting your laptop in "suspend", I leave mine on around the clock. But then, maybe yours has one of those overheating Intel chips. I try to put my 'Book on something that'll dissipate heat reasonably well, but as long as I do that, it's cool.

    Re: muppets

    I already voted for CowboyNeal the day the poll went up. You wouldn't want me to cheat and vote again (though I'm on a dynamic IP, so I could), would you? Basically, this was one of the few times that I've just had to go with the fake answer, because I just couldn't make myself care enough about the actual question.

    Re: music

    What is that?! Please, just stick with the GiS:SR theme from the first fifteen seconds.

    David Gould
  • Alright, here's my favourite bit of spam - it's quite neat, as imo it does a pretty authentic job of looking like a bit of mysteriously misdirected mail - so there's a reading-someone-else's-mail attraction to it.

    Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 21:43:12 -0800
    X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.08 [en] (Win95; I)
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Subject: whatz up!
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
    Status: RO
    Content-Length: 1143
    Lines: 25

    hi Sagi!
    Howz going honey...I just came from school.I know you must be angry as I
    was'nt home when you called...Acually I had to go with my cousin she
    just came from london to visit us here.
    Don't worry this time I will call you this weekend.I had also an e-mail
    from Alex. As I said in our last talk that I will find out from where he
    is getting money without doing any thing.First he hasitate then At Last
    I found out.May be you also know about it...have you ever heard about
    surfing to cash or desktop dollar?.Any way he told me that he has found
    a great site from a guy, I forgot his name...any way he told that the
    site contains different company names who pays money to everyone just
    for surfing the internet on per hour basis. I have'nt check that site so
    cant say anything now but I will check it tommorow.If you wanna check
    yourself then here is address:

    Tell me if you find out something. One more thing dont go anywhere on
    the comming weekend I will call you around 10pm. Its 3am at the moment
    and i have'nt had my lunch yet. So before mom yell at me I have to
    go....take care.
    bye bye.
  • hrmph, looks like the Segfault AC's/Flamers are stageing a migration to Slashdot
  • I used to hate the "First" posts until this "Naked & Petrified" guy started hanging around.

    I almost felt the need to moderate up "Richard Stallman, wearing green lipstick and pantyhose, reclining on you coffee table."

  • Ok...what is WITH all these posts about turning women into stone and ((insert woman's name) NAKED AND PETRIFIED!)

    Obviously, there's an inside joke that I haven't heard yet.
  • It depends on the software you use to record.. Software? Well yeah if you record directly to ram the sound quality is like phonominal.
    But if you code in single tasking type style [and many of us still do] you have to keep everything in ram while recording and that eats megs of memory really quickly.
    What I've found is the software recording tools you have a choice pick from good programming where stuff gets saved while recording with out screwing everything up or something that makes decent recordings. It seems audiophiles aren't great programmers and visa versa.
    So there it is. Someone makes a small mistake and you lose EVERYTHING in ram the program crashes, Linux shuts it down and cleans everything up and you get to start all over.
    THAT is at least one way you can lose an eppisode.
    I did my own little rant thing on RealAudio for a while and I lost a lot of eppisodes but it didn't matter becouse no one ever lissend.
    But when you can get it right it's kinda cool.
    Now that they are using profesional equipment instead of what they did before we can hope there are no more lost eppisodes..... wops the dat recorder just GPFed... what do you mean it runs Windows CE?
  • I saw you guys at the Andover/Slashdot booth at Comdex... I know you were there, where's the Comdex report? slackers! Or are you telling me that with the hundred quintillion PC's, Laptop's and whatever else at comdex, you could not find one machine to record sound for a 10-15 minute report. hum... you even had a link to the net from the booth.
  • I had Geeks in space playing on my computer and the boss asked me to do something about the "voices" in the office. :)
    Someone overheard it and was like "someone is haunting the office?"
    So now Slashdot haunts us... :)

    Yeah rah!!!! :)
  • I'd like to have an update on the folowing issues...
    The Poter IPO and ./ix
    The Krel invasion force..
    The Aibos, Lego Mindstorms, Furbes, whatever... Programmed to take over the world...
    Hostile takeover of Microsoft...
    Rivised vision statments for Poter and Commander Taco as the new year comes.. we have to get those new vision statments in... wow are those like new years resilutions? And theres a race to see who can ignore there visionstatment the fastest :)...

    Oh yes amd one last thing......
    The fish is in the closet....

"Engineering meets art in the parking lot and things explode." -- Garry Peterson, about Survival Research Labs
